Let's hear it for Colonel Harry Shoup ... NORAD SantaTracker

by Simon 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I love this story - what a nice guy taking the time out to talk to the kids who rang instead of getting all "official"


    The Command carried out its first Santa tracking in 1958 after inheriting the tradition from CONAD. Since that time, Canadian and American men and women who work at NORAD have responded to phone calls from children personally. Additionally, media from all over the world call NORAD on Christmas Eve for updates on Santa's location. Last year this Web site was visited by millions of people who wanted to know Santa's whereabouts. This year, the information is provided in six languages.

    NORAD relies on many volunteers to help make Santa tracking possible. Many people at Cheyenne Mountain and Peterson Air Force Base spend part of their Christmas Eve with their families and friends at NORAD's Santa Tracking Operations Center in order to answer phones and provide Santa updates to the many thousands of children who call in.

  • Jade

    Norad is a cool site. Every Christmas Eve our little ones track his progress. A few years ago, as soon as he hit North America, they were screaming and jumped into bed. It was so much fun since I never had that as a kid.

  • czarofmischief

    Finally, a military expenditure we can all agree on.


  • Eyebrow2

    sure is...but now that damn teacher that tells kids there is no santa wants to take it down!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    sure is...but now that damn teacher that tells kids there is no santa wants to take it down!

    The next thing you know people will be claiming Bush served a rubber turkey even.

    The Norad site is way cool. But of course we're lying to little children. Can't do that.

  • bebu

    Thanks for the info. Col. Shoup was a kindhearted man.


  • Eyebrow2

    next time I see an ugly baby, I think I will say so...MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHA

    go norad go!! another nice site for this time of year is http://www.northpole.com/, for all you parents out their like me that will let the lie live on for a few more years

  • SanFranciscoJim
    The next thing you know people will be claiming Bush served a rubber turkey even.

    No, Stacy, but I heard that he did charge $1000.00 a plate.

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