A Presumptious letter

by morrisamb 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • morrisamb

    People ask me why more victims don't go public with their stories. I don't wonder. I just returned from holidays to the following email from a complete stranger. Then read my reply to him below his email.

    I guess the truth doesn't always set you free! Forgive the things people have done to you and the FATHER in heaven will forgive the things you have done wrong whatever they are! What a deal to live forever forever forever in a paradise with no child abuse, NO WAR, NO HUNGER,NO your dad sticking his hand down your pants! JEHOVAH didn't do anything to you! Forgive and be FORGIVEN!!!!!!!!!


    I assume you are a Christian. I don't know how you found my web site but what makes you think I blame God for anything? But after reading your email, I do wonder why other people think a survivor of anything should have to exist on another person's shedule of forgiveness. Very presumptious. The opinion of your letter doesn't bother me in the least, but this line, " NO your dad sticking his hand down your pants!" is hardly the words of a man representing Christ to a stranger in an email. Would you write a female victim of rape a similar line? or my sister who was also abused? I have no problem with Christ or Jehovah. Just with some of his disciples. Regards,

  • czarofmischief


    Well, at least you know you hit a nerve - and that dubbies are watching!


  • shamus

    There will always be those people. Always. You will never be free of them.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Good morning morrisamb! I hope your holiday was wonderful.

    This is one you just have to shake your head at. I remember having this conversation with my elders back in the day. Jehovah's Witnesses, and many other Christian religions, teach that forgiveness is given only when it is asked for. Doesn't mean you hold a grudge or keep it in your heart, but the offender is not automatically forgiven just because. They must approach the victim and ask, humbly, for forgiveness.

    I know you're centered enough about yourself that this can be ignored, but I am sorry someone so ignorant has to attack you in this way. Personally, I am always astounded at the pressure people put on victims to forgive. Like that is some magic panacea. Forgive and magically everything will be better. I think much of that pressure comes from denial, in that if a victim "forgives" then it puts a happy face on it. See, all better now.


    Be well my friend.

  • morrisamb

    Thanks for your feedback...actually, my partner said, this could have been written by my father. He is right. Not only Witnesses have used the word, "Jehovah" in emails to my web site, so I do not assume this is a Witness-if it is a Witness, it would be the first one to write me negatively-I've actually had emails of support from Witnesses! I hear most from fellow survivors, but the next group who seem to write are born-again "Christians". For some reason, they feel it's their duty to inform me of my hell-bent ways. Like I've said before, let God kill me, I don't think he needs "your" help!

    Get a load though of this review posted on www.triggerstreet.com of my short Father's Touch, bolded below

    Talk about an agenda! (this had to be someone with prior knowledge of me or my book, as the synopsis and details on Trigger that accompany the film do NOT mention religion whatsoever. You've heard of Kitchen Sink Drama---well, we couldn't throw everything AND the kitchen sink into a 6 minute film! LOL My journey just gets more interesting and absurd at the same time!)

    ok! that was bloody awful. There was supposed to be a religious base to the film but even in short film development this was not pursued. The idea that the father was violent? did not get much support. so the little kid hid and a bigger versionb of the kid hid and so what?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    my partner said, this could have been written by my father

    Oh my God! I thought the same thing and even typed it in my post but when I re-read it before I posted, I removed as I thought maybe I was seeing things that weren't there.

    He's got to be very jealous of you to be following you around and trying to sabotage you. What a bozo.

  • morrisamb

    Well, coincidentally (or not, as the case may be) my father wrote an elderly Witness in St. Thomas (20 minutes from me) a week or two ago...he addressed it to Mr. & Mrs...... (not knowing that the Elder husband had died 3 years ago) preaching his version of a "born-again" faith (he's been born-again 4 times at lastest count!). The Elder's wife is a friend of my Witness mother (that's how I found out). She ripped it up after reading 3 sentences.

    That's the first time he's made an "appearance" since he wrote that long letter to the Belgian press in response to their coverage of my book.

    I find people writing unsolicited letters of religious propaganda presumptious. But when it comes from a molester to people who know he molested his kids-well that shows a level of narcissistic tunnel vision that is absurd yet predictably fits the abuser profile.


    Hi Donald.

    Great response.

    To anyone who has not read "Father's Touch", I would highly recommend it. It's not a vicious nor vitriolic book, it simply tells it as-it-is, without having to be graffic.

    The person writing this e-mail, hasn't read the book; or has, but is embarrassed by something...perhaps.

    Who knows? But your partner's statement regarding the possibility of your 'father' having written it, sent a shiver down my spine.

    Nonetheless Donald: excellent response!

  • morrisamb

    Thanks Big Tex & Razorblade!!!!!!

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