People ask me why more victims don't go public with their stories. I don't wonder. I just returned from holidays to the following email from a complete stranger. Then read my reply to him below his email.
I guess the truth doesn't always set you free! Forgive the things people have done to you and the FATHER in heaven will forgive the things you have done wrong whatever they are! What a deal to live forever forever forever in a paradise with no child abuse, NO WAR, NO HUNGER,NO your dad sticking his hand down your pants! JEHOVAH didn't do anything to you! Forgive and be FORGIVEN!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________________________________ |
I assume you are a Christian. I don't know how you found my web site but what makes you think I blame God for anything? But after reading your email, I do wonder why other people think a survivor of anything should have to exist on another person's shedule of forgiveness. Very presumptious. The opinion of your letter doesn't bother me in the least, but this line, " NO your dad sticking his hand down your pants!" is hardly the words of a man representing Christ to a stranger in an email. Would you write a female victim of rape a similar line? or my sister who was also abused? I have no problem with Christ or Jehovah. Just with some of his disciples. Regards,