Leaders have consistently tried to downplay speculation about the extent of the church’s wealth. Quoting a former church president during the speech last year, Caussé, said: “When all is said and done, the only real wealth of the church is in the faith of its people.' "
Ah, the Mormons. You gotta love how much money they've made, considering they are a relatively new religion. Their followers seem to be really devoted. Ten percent of your income is a huge obligation.
Concerning the bOrg, Sir82, I think, lately, they DO claim to be doing "charity", aka helping people rebuild from natural disasters, etc. This is just what I'm hearing from my PIMI friend about how it's presented at the midweek meeting. I was surprised at how adamant she was that the money was going to "help people". Hmmmmm. Lots of poor JWs in my area, and no one getting any help.
I would also not be surprised if the GB starts asserting they are doing lots of charity within their "worldwide work" after they see what can happen if a whistleblower really takes the initiative to expose them. This isn't the 1980s or 1990s. Maybe they will think of a word for "charity" that is more consistent with bOrg lingo and start using it.
It's incredible that people can't seem to see through this kind of thing. Religion is a snare and a racket!