We Love You,We Miss You and Shoveling Snow!

by Blueblades 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    So,tell me,how many of you received a phone call from those that call you to come to the meetings and field service who love you and miss you,how many of you treceived a phone call to check up on you to see if you needed anything especially to have your sidewalk shoveled off by one of the concerned eldersor ministerial servants,during this major snowstorm?

    My wife and I were out shoveling snow and did not see one jw,neither have we heard from those that love us and miss us,to assist us in this time of need,shoveling snow and etc.

    How about any of you?


  • Funchback

    The only thing a JW knows how to shovel is bullcrap.

  • Blueblades

    Funchback,how true,btw,my wife and I are in our sixties,and a worldly person finished up the shoveling for us,and we didn't even know him.


  • Funchback


    I am glad that someone was kind enough to assist you. Perhaps I will do the same for a neighbor today as we have about 6 inches of snow out there.

    Most JWs will only do something nice if they can get an opportunity to "give a witness" and place magazines. Sadly, that used to be MY motivation.

  • Eyebrow2

    snoowwwww....I miss snow (sigh)

    thats a bummer...I must say where I went to the hall we did have brothers that would go out and plow and help shovel disabled or elderly JWs driveways

  • minimus

    We've got over a foot and might get around 2 before it's over!! Fortunately, we have it plowed but I do shovel to the cars and that alone will be an hour, I'm sure. Good luck, Blue!!

  • blondie

    Here I live in snow land and not a flake......of snow that is.


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