I used to be hungry.

by compound complex 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Well, my friends, I have to admit I am now well fed, often because of generous friends and clients, who open up their homes -- AND KITCHENS! -- to me.

    Below is my true reminiscence of being a poor child who really only got filled up at Nana's. Grandpa had a good job and food was in ample supply.


    How I envied the rich whose homes I helped Mom clean when I was a child.

    Certainly, the yellow 1953 Buick Skylark and the slightly newer, silver Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham reposing aristocratically upon the bricked drive garnered admiring glances from a boy still on two wheels. Likewise, the clean lines, impeccable finish and understated elegance of the country estate, what with its luxuriant, manicured grounds, filled my heart with a vicarious sense of belonging unknown to one sparingly nurtured on the other side of the tracks.

    However appealing the trappings of the well-to-do, it was not the extraneous luxuries that I longed to possess. It was the cupboards, the walk-in pantries, the refrigerators and freezers filled to an excess that this poor and lean boy wanted to plunge into, not being compelled to exit till his hunger was once and for all sated, his belly truly full. Our household budget allowed a mere ten dollars a week for groceries for a family of five; I was, understandably, always ravenously hungry.

    Years later, the larder is modestly filled with sufficient to get me by, yet when I go into the home of a friend with a food budget more ample than my own, my eyes stray to the cupboards, the walk-in pantries, the refrigerators stocked to overflowing.

    At Nana and Gramp's post WWII house:

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    At Nana and Gramp's post-WWII house:

  • LV101

    Point proven re/Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Coco! First basic need is food, water, oxygen - maybe it's sleep, I can't remember. A hungry child (or person) only cares about one thing and that's grub -- anything else is just frivolous.

    I have a friend and every time we're together she makes the statement that she'll never have to go hungry again. Indeed she won't. The gal was not only a very successful stockbroker but had a seat (or do they call it chair?) on the floor (NYSE) which is HUGE! Apt. or condo in NYC - estate in Long Island and LV for starters and all she talks about is never having to go hungry EVER again!

    I've heard acquaintances talk about having to steal bread to survive - thankfully, many had grandparents to feed them some of the time. No child (or human) should ever go hungry - just horrific.

    It's amazing how many hungry people there are in the wealthy USA decade after decade. I think families get help today but I hear stories from my sister and other educators how hungry many school children are. Very sad.

    Keep care!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you so much, LV101, regarding the hierarchy of needs! The remainder of your statement about a friend and one's basic yet often unfilled needs is really excellent.

    I appreciate what you've shared. I care for homes and gardens and pets for vacationing and working folk, and they always fill the larder for me. They say, "HELP YOURSELF!" and mean it.

    Blessings and peace, dear friend.

  • LV101

    Coco - If you're ever this way you can vacay/play and fill up the larder from my house. Your homes/gardens/pets are fortunate to have you.

    Here's to all the food you ever dreamed of and everything else!

  • stillin

    I saw a foreign family taking turns posing for pictures in the produce aisle at the local supermarket. A reminder for me...

  • LV101

    stillin - WOW! YES, indeed a reminder! There are many who go to bed hungry in this country - very sad. You wouldn't believe what principals and school teachers witness and hear from their little students. The district sends home stuffed backpacks on Friday and it's shared with the parents/adults. What a sick society - why are these people not receiving aid!! Many were living out of their cars when the economy went bust here in 2008.

    Actually, it's a growing trend for people to be living out of their vehicles in places like California where property is so outrageously expensive. People buy vans and live out of them - cook inside them which is so dangerous. I don't know why they'd stay in such an expensive state but they must have good jobs which is a good reason! Property values increased in San Francisco, which is the most expensive property in the US, Orange County/popular places in so cal 75% in the last 5 yrs. Very limited building goes on in these areas which drives the real estate prices off the chart.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Your posts are appreciated, stillin and LV101!

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