This is a inspirationally great song for those who are escaping and have escaped the JW cult or any form of cult. I know it has truly aided and helped me. Does anyone know if Lauryen Hill or her family was a former JW, from the lyrics it may seem so...
I GOT OUT!!! ❤️
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE 2 Replies latest jw friends
One of my Favorites . For anyone that hasn't listened to this song and it's words It's a MUST !
I have never heard anything about her being a JW.
Okay, maybe I'm wrong, but it sounds more like she's talking about getting out of the societal norms and traditions and turning to God because she knows her condition. The material world is stealing her eternal soul. I'm down with the "just get out" message, but the song seems like an encouragement to "just get out" and turn to God, something that many here see as an oppressive message that includes mind control and traditions and all of the bad things she's saying to just get out of just in a different part of life (spiritual or religious versus material).