Australian States sign up for Redress scheme / victims of Child sexual Abuse

by smiddy3 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • smiddy3

    N.T./ Qld./ N.S.W./ Vict. / A.C.T. / Commonwealth to provide Redress Scheme will offer psychological counselling a direct personal response from the responsible Institution and a monetary payment.

    N.S.W. introduces Referral Legislation May 1 2018 in preparation for the commencement of the National Redress Scheme .

    The National redress Scheme will start on 01 July 2018 subject to passage of Legislation.

  • zeb

    'a direct personal response from the responsible Institution ' after they threw the victims under a bus.!

    I hope the legislators are not conned by any profession of empathy from the ...Branch Office.

    I hope they payment comes from the...Branch Office and is not left to be the liability of the victims congregation.

    Western Australia and South Australia are yet to sign up. and I hope the wt is not allowed to hide behind any F**** gag clauses either.

  • Fay Dehr
    Fay Dehr

    Good news flash Smiddy3! This is primarily fantastic results for all survivors, and their families. The knock-on benefit is hitting WTBT$ where it hurts them - their bank accounts.

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