Esoteric Wisdom,Does it Exist?

by Blueblades 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    The dictionary states:Esoteric,intended for or understood by only a chosen few,as an inner group of disciples or initiates( said of ideas,literature,etc. )beyond the understanding or knowledge of most people;abstruse,hard to understand.

    A large percentage of the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that a certain,"Aura of Esoteric Wisdom"is existent during the Governing Body sessions.They believe that an unusually high level,manifesting more than ordinary Scriptual knowledge and spiritual wisdom give its pronouncements an importance above and beyond that of normally accorded words of imperfect men.

    The fact that the average Witness has only a misty idea of the way that the leadership arrives at its conclusions adds to the "Aura of Esoteric Wisdom".

    For those of us who have come to realize that Esoteric Wisdom does not exist with the Governing Body of the Witnesses,my question to you is,does it exist at all,if so,who has it?

    Blueblades,and the search continues.

  • jonnydangerous


    Anyone can possess "esoteric" wisdom about anything. Do a google search on Akashic Records.


  • Valis

    There can be ones who understand ideas better. I think maybe of the buddhist monks in Tibet who can go out w/little or no clothin in below freezing weather...they have mastered the art of meditation to the degree they can alter their body's temperature and resistance to the elements. In that sense ya...I would say, otherwise I don't believe there is "something else" providing any spiritual assistance or guidance.


    District Overbeer

  • CruithneLaLuna

    It has become profitable to widely publish wisdom that was formerly "esoteric," in books and via the Internet. There is hardly a subject extant that you can't find more information about than you ever dreamed existed. There are a few religions that do reserve "advanced teachings" and other information for intitiates, and that is a privilege that is usually considered to be appropriately reserved for religious orders.

    It is interesting to me that much that was considered "esoteric wisdom" of a spiritual nature is being rediscovered and repackaged in updated a scientifically validated format. See, for example,

    Warm regards,

    George the Cruithne

  • Satanus

    Not sure if it's exactly the same, but check out perennial wisdom w guys like allen watts.


  • one_ugly_time
    The dictionary states:Esoteric,intended for or understood by only a chosen few,as an inner group of disciples or initiates( said of ideas,literature,etc. )beyond the understanding or knowledge of most people;abstruse,hard to understand.

    Personally, I find it very difficult to understand the whole JW thing. Those that are in, which are relatively few given the worlds population, tell me they understand it. It is well beyond my level of understand how they can treat others the way the do and call it love. Esoteric fits -- that doesn't make it a good thing.


  • Satanus
  • little witch
    little witch

    Esoteric wisdom = I get it and you dont..

    Follow me....

    Sound lame?

    What made such idiotic drivel acceptable? Lazy, uneducated, polarized people who need quick answers in order for the world to make sense.

  • Satanus

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