To Ozziepost: What/Who is Wisdom?

by AGuest 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    If I may, I would like to expound on and explain to you what... rather, WHO, 'wisdom' truthfully is. Thank you.

    Indeed 'wisdom' is my Lord, for he is the One PRODUCED by my Father... out of 'TRUE wisdom', Jerusalem Above, the wife of my Father and mother of my brothers and I, through holy spirit, and therefore by means of that spirit keeps 'calling out' and 'keeps saying come'.

    Proverbs 8:12, 22
    Proverbs 9:1
    Revelation 22:17

    He is the One that CALLS to us... SPEAKS to us... and 'utters truth' in 'low tones'. He is the One that I HEAR speaking to me in such low tones, and tells me nothing but truth.

    Proverbs 8:4-10

    He is also the one that was not so much a 'master worker', as he was a learner first and THEN worker... a 'fosterling'... one who was TAUGHT and then BECAME a master, who went from fosterling, to apprentice... to journeyman. And he was taught by my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, and in turn, teaches us... how to 'build'.

    Proverbs 8:30
    Psalm 102:16
    Psalm 127:1
    Isaiah 65:22
    Matthew 16:18
    1 Corinthians 3:3:9
    Ephesians 2:20, 21
    Colossians 2:7
    Hebrews 11:10

    Along with being a 'cultivator', my Father is also a 'builder'. And He is once again constructing His 'temple'... US. Just as in Solomon's day and that of Herod, WE are workers, rebuilding that temple, reconstructing it. Having been thoroughly trains by my Father in every aspect of temple building, my Lord, His Son, is the site 'overseer' and therefore directs US.

    Matthew 7:24-27

    Did you not read that 'in my Father's house are MANY abodes'? Those, dear one, are the 'houses' which WE build, by means of Christ and the spirit of God... our individual temples... or 'stones'... which... COMBINED... make up the temple of God. Christ... is the foundation cornerstone; the apostles... are the foundation; and we... are pillars and stones in that temple.

    Matthew 21:42
    Ephesians 2:20
    Hebrews 11:10
    1 Peter 2:5
    Revelation 3:12

    To illustrate, when the tabernacle was in the wilderness and temple afterward in Jerusalem, my Father's presence... or SPIRIT... was evident in those structures by means of a cloud of smoke (during day) or pillar of fire (during night), being visible above the Propiatory (my Lord - Exodus 25:17; 1 John 2:2) of the Ark of the Covenant (Jerusalem Above - Galatians 4:24-26). At Pentecost 30CE, however, that spirit... went into the PEOPLE... as evidenced by the little flames above their heads (it was night). This indicated that EACH of them now possessed a PORTION of that spirit (Numbers 11:25; 2 Kings 2:9)

    But... the spirit was 'divided' technically. However, it is actually unified, one, by means of US... the stones of individual temples... being unified, or 'one'... in union with Christ.

    I was granted the privilege of seeing this spirit actually BECOME one and unified again, during the time that my Lord explained to me what the 'temple' of God truly was... US... and the purpose of the spirit entering those present on Pentecost:

    I was in a large room with a number of people that I couldn't count. We were all dressed in 'white robes' (this was early on in my 'education' and I did not yet understand the white robes to mean spirit bodies). All of us had tiny flames over our heads, so there were what seemed to be a zillion of them. At some point, I heard a loud voice and turned to see who was speaking. At the very moment, the others turned with me, in unison, and as we did... ALL OF OUR FLAMES COMBINED... to make this one GIGANTIC, HUMUNGOUS flame. It was AWESOME and its power indescribable. The 'noise' as it combined was almost deafening, and then everything became hushed, still, with only that gigantic flame 'turning' as it hovered over all of us... as a group.

    It was then that I understood what had taken place at Pentecost, that what had formerly been one combined flame over the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple at Jerusalem, had left THAT 'dwelling place', and entered into several 'dwelling places'. (John 14:23; Romans 8:9) It was still the same flame, however, reminiscent of mercury, how one glob can separate and still go back together.

    Only, this was 'fire', and it was NOT the fire that we know of in an earthly sense. It was the same COLOR... orangey-red, but of a difference SUBSTANCE. This was some type of power that nothing on earth even resembles. It was not hot and did not burn, per say, for I felt no heat from it, as did none of the others. I believe it COULD have burned, though, but in an absolutely incinerating kind of way... not just us, but anything and everything it encompassed. I would guess then, that the STRENGTH required and USED to control this 'fire' was more than any of us could EVER imagine.

    Anyway, I was directed to share that with you, under separate thread, and I have done so. I, myself, SJ, have spoken to you truth, just as I have heard it... and seen it... from my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    Peace to you!

    Your servant, servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ,


  • pomegranate

    >>>I was granted the privilege of seeing this spirit actually BECOME one and unified again, during the time that my Lord explained to me what the 'temple' of God truly was... US...<<<

    Rev 21:22
    22 I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.

  • AGuest

    Dear Pom... may you have peace!

    If you will notice, the word used at 1 Corinthians 3:16 is naos, denoting a temple, in its entirety. This also coincides with Ephesians 2:20, 21.

    But another form of naos, naON, is used at Revelation 21:22, and denotes the SANCTUARY of the temple... the Holy and Most Holy... and indeed, there will be no Holy or Most Holy in the City of New Jerusalem, for there will be no Holy or Most Holy in the 'temple'.

    For God and Christ, the Lamb, are the Most Holy and Holy, respectively.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    nim/it was a duplicate.

  • pomegranate

    That is not correct...

    1 Cor. 3:16 uses naos;

    naos (nah-os'); from a primary naio (to dwell); a fane, shrine, temple (Comp NT:2411.)

    Eph. 2:20,21 uses naon.

    It is NOT naon that denotes "temple" in it's entirety, it is this word;

    hieron (hee-er-on'); neuter of NT:2413; a sacred place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas NT:3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere)

    "Naon" and "naos" are different forms of the same word "naio" meaning the SANCTUARY.

  • AGuest

    Please... pay attention to what I SAID:

    :>"If you will notice, the word used at 1 Corinthians 3:16 is naos, (with which you agree) denoting a temple, in its entirety (at least, according to MY Greek sources, including Strong's, it does). This also coincides with Ephesians 2:20, 21 (which verse also uses the noun 'naos')"

    And 'naos' denotes, and I quote "the spiritual temple consisting of the saints of all ages joined together by and in Christ."

    HOWEVER, the word at Revelation 21:22... is 'naON', which denotes, and I quote "the temple at Jerusalem, but only of the sacred edifice (or sanctuary) itself, consisting of the Holy place and the Holy of Holies (in classical Greek it is used of the sanctuary or cell of the temple, where the image of gold was placed which is distinguished from the whole enclosure."

    Thus, while John saw the 'city' New Jerusalem, and the 'diving habitation' (or temple) of God, starting Christ as the foundation cornerstone, the apostles as the foundations, and the remainder of my brothers as pillars and stones... he saw no SANCTUARY... or Holy and Most Holy... in the 'temple', for just like PEOPLE made up this temple, PEOPLE, my Father and my Lord... MADE UP THE HOLY AND MOST HOLIES.

    With regard to your reference of the word 'heiron', you may be absolutely correct. I do not know. For none of these verses use that word. It would seem to ME, however, that, based on the definition you provide, 'hieron' would denote the PHYSICAL temple, that which existed in Jerusalem on earth... that which was made of sticks and stones and housed within it the Ark of the Covenant with its LAW... written on stone.

    The temple referred to by the 'naos', with its sanctuary 'naON', depicts a SPIRITUAL temple, one NOT made with sticks and stones, but with PEOPLE, whose Ark is their HEARTS, and who have the law written NOT on stone tablets... but tablets of FLESH.

    I bid you peace, truthfully.

    A slave of Christ,


  • ozziepost

    G'day SJ,

    May you, too, have peace.

    Thanks for the honour you do me by addressing a new thread to me.

    I fear we may be going off the point.

    I accept that there are many opinions on the identity of Wisdom, but my point at issue was that the WT Society print an opinion as if it were absolute truth; which it can't be, for only our Lord is the Truth.



    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • AGuest

    Hi, Ozzie... and may you have peace!

    Indeed, wisdom IS 'absolute truth', for it IS my Lord, the ABSOLUTE Truth! They just can't seem to 'see' that and it's only because they have REMOVED... 'the constant feature', the 'daily sacrifice'... the flesh and blood of my Lord. In essence, they have removed HIM as well as remained 'veiled', because they walk by 'sight', according to a VISIBLE organization, rather than worship by SPIRIT... and TRUTH... as led by him that is INVISIBLE.

    2 Corinthians 3:14-18

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


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