as long as it’s done with a loving heart.
I was washing the dishes this afternoon when the thought occurred to me. Maybe it was because what James Thomas had said to DoodleV about her brother staying true to his beliefs. All religions claim to have the only truth, whether it’s the Jews, Catholics, Mormons, JW’s, CRC, etc, etc. I always felt that I had to choose a door, and always felt too stupid to figure out which door. Maybe it’s as simple as God is Truth and that’s it. As long as you stay true to your self, keep your options, views, open, but if it feels right (in your gut) then stay with that. This weekend my daughter stayed with her dad so I had two days just for myself. I have always believed that there is too much noise in our lives, the physical and the internal noise in our own heads. To be quiet (like the song I had mentioned in another post, Be Still) just to feel God’s presence and not try to find the answer in a book, (not that I reject reading, I have read many good books) but to keep a balance. There are some things that are so ingrained in me (like free-will, baptism at a time when you personally choose-not infant baptism etc) For me it just feels right, but for someone else something else feels right. Who am I or who are they to say who is truly right. Maybe it’s the attitude of the heart that ultimately really matters. Just my thoughts.