Maybe I'm late to the party but I stumbled upon this site:
Lots of old publications and such.
by Funchback 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Maybe I'm late to the party but I stumbled upon this site:
Lots of old publications and such.
Pretty cool stuff. I'm sure many will get something out of it. Thanks for sharing.
I never saw that earlier "Did Man Get Here By Evolution or By Creation?" book. I bet it would be pretty easy to debunk...
Is Evolution an Established Fact?
Evolution, in the sense that it is applied to plants, animals and man is said to be the transforming of one kind of life into another kind. A writer in the Houston Post of August 23, 1964, defined it this way: "Evolution, in very simple terms, means that life progressed from one-celled organisms to its highest state, the human being, by means of a series of biological changes taking place over millions of years."
Wrong. Evolution is not life transforming into another kind of life. That's not even what Darwin suggested a century before this book was published. And humans are NOT the highest goal of evolution, as if every other species should be trying to evolve into humans. Geez.
Evolution is change in genetic frequency over time, change in heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. No species has ever resulted from evolution by natural selection twice, for the same reason that you do not have an identical twin cousin. All species are transitional, including humans. Kudos for quoting a journalist in Houston to define and clarify evolution, rather than a biologist or biology textbook.
This is nice because that's how unreasonable they were even then.
I never saw that earlier "Did Man Get Here By Evolution or By Creation?" book. I bet it would be pretty easy to debunk...
You never saw that one? God, I'm old! That was the first book I placed in somebody's hand. I was a just a little boy (though with the same smart mouth I still have). Anyway, it brings memories.
Funchback, thank you for sharing.
That's been around almost since I started posting here over 15 years ago. I have posted it before but it would be nice to have a place to post for new people for research besides similar websites.
You never saw that one? God, I'm old! That was the first book I placed in somebody's hand. I was a just a little boy (though with the same smart mouth I still have). Anyway, it brings memories.
@scratchme1010, I may have heard of it before, but yeah.