For many of us liberals the concept of multi-culturalism is a fundamental underpinning to the progress we've made towards building the sorts of societies we want to live in. Unfortunately, it seems to be the case that many regressives have hijacked the word "multi-culturalism" and now fly the term under the banner of "all cultures are equal".
However, this could not be further from the truth. That's not what we're talking about when we use the term. Rather, multi-culturalism means equal consideration. It means that anyone can make an argument for why their culture or belief or practice is valuable and what positive aspects it can bring to our societies. As progressive liberals, we are actively seeking to build a culture of cultures. We are cherry picking the very best ideas and refining them with each new generation.
To have a multi-culture is to scrutinize ideas. Subject them to interrogation and test the effects they have on people. It is NOT a free for all. It is not a "anything goes" mentality. It is not a free pass for bad behavior under the banner of "well that's my culture".
Every culture is proud. And many cultures are ancient. But being proud and being ancient says nothing about the value of a culture. If a culture doesn't value the well being of sentient creatures - if it doesn't value human dignity or doesn't seek to help us build a better world - then it's not a culture worth keeping.
I should also add that "Western Culture" is not any one thing either. It is an amalgamation of thousands of years of gathering and hellenizing other cultures. And it is a continued march forward towards new ideas, new ways of thinking and new methods for building more stable and healthier societies. It is the complete opposite of the stagnation in which many other cultures wallow.
"Western Culture" isn't better because it's ours. It's better because it's subject to revision and continual refinement. It recognizes that it is far from perfect and seeks to better itself. But such claims cannot be made about other non multi-cultures who presumptuously claim their way of living is the very best way. Who view change and modernity as enemies to a life well lived.
I believe there is a lot we can learn from other cultures. But it is a complete farce when the regressives claim that "all cultures are equal".