Yes, the headlines are true.
Last night, after getting my hair cut WAYYY off (I have a Faux Hawk guys, it's cool to be butch) I went to borders for my usual perusal of porn (kidding, I bought a cookie from Mrs. Fields and It was the only other warm place open in fresno).
Upon entering the back doors of Borders, my girlfriend and I felt an immediate presence of pure EVIL! You know, the kind only a JW can put off. I looked up, and to my surprise, there was the old MS that used to flirt with my girlfriend!!!! He made eye contact with me, and gave me a condescending smile as he turned away. I was like, "" bigtime, because for a brief moment I got intimidated and turned tail. My girlfriend was like "Where r u going ???"
So I said "There's an elder and an MS here, I got a little uncomfortable because I don't like 'em." So she goes "That's not the Gayle I know... c'mon, watch this." So we walked past them, and she says really loudly "I NEVER UNDERSTOOD WHY ELDERS HAD SUCH CHIPS ON THEIR SHOULDERS. S**T, THEY AIN'T GETTING INTO HEAVEN WITH THAT ATTITUDE ANYWAY, AND BESIDES, ELDERS ARE SUCH BASTARDS."
She looked them both in the eyes, smiled and walked away. It was GREAT!! (Mind you, she's a little mexican girl, real pretty and dressed up. So it was FUNNY AS HELL)
Anyway, we bought some nasty sodas and walked out while they sat in the cafe, red-faced and trying to hide their stupid looks.
I felt immature... but I FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!!!!!!!