Saw a well dressed couple in a snack area this Saturday, and approached to ask what the occasion was , hoping to talk to a JW couple counting time during FS break. No, it was people waiting for a funeral. so I said: "condolences, well you are following a long tradition since the very first burial of Abel--right? lady: yes--(so:-- a believer) . Then it hit me. thinking, out loud: "so: Had "God" not involved himself, Abel could have lived a peaceful life beside his brother, the two alternating foodstuffs as an offering. particularly Abel with his useless meat, unfit for consumption even by dogs.?? But No, "God" had to involve himself by favoritism, picking the "carry out" carrion over the good veggies , and precipitating and not stopping the descent into murder. The lady was stunned too. blame religion for murder from the word "go". satisfying for me, seed sown. The bible is just a story after all, that needs serious downgrading.
instant insight on religion during anti-witnessing
by prologos 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Nice thought. -
Crazyguy, thanks! I tried to get a follow-up topic started, but a funny thing happened on the way to the forum. here is a gist of it, what I would use on witnesses having their break.
a) question: what does the memorial and the Abel religion have in common? Nobody would partake of the offerings!!why?, Abel offered edibles, that were not authorized to be eaten. (meat diet after the flood only) passing the plate, not touching like at the memorial.
b) why, with a veggy only diet would Cain's religion been better? barbequed Veggies, legumes, fruit, nuts would have been very popular when the altar smorgasboard opened for the crowds.
Trying to turn mythology into literal history ultimately makes for a lot of mental gymnastics. -
Vidiot: "Trying to turn mythology into literal history ultimately makes for a lot of mental gymnastics. very true
--Gymnastics, that on day might allow an escape artist to do it, when the time is right. Gymnastics comes from the greek "naked", and the seed sown might show them the naked ttattruth.