Karaoke semi-finals tonight!!

by Nosferatu 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Hey all, got a phone call last night informing me that the semi-finals are tomorrow night. Hopefully I don't get severely outdone by women singing "I'll always love you". I still haven't completely figured out what I'm going to sing tonight. I'll probably do "Try" by Blue Rodeo, or "Cat's In The Cradle" by Harry Chapin. These aren't what I consider my best since I usually get more attention when I do "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol.

    That's the sad thing about this whole contest thing. If you don't sing a pansy song, you're not going to win. You can't make a Billy Idol song sound pretty.

  • SheilaM

    I love Chapin and it is enough to win over the old timers

  • ChimChim

    Good luck with that, I'm sure it will go smoothly! Grap every ones heart and hold it in your hands until your done then give it back You'll do Brilliantly!


  • Nosferatu

    Just came back from the Semi-finals and I'm tired as hell, but here's how the night went...

    I got there early so I could have a couple of warmup songs. My voice wasn't working very well tonight, but things were looking pretty good since no real talent got on stage until 11:30.

    Then.... she walked in..... the squeaky bitch. She's only around when there's a karaoke contest, and I can't stand her voice or the way she presents herself. A couple of years ago, I entered a contest that she won first place. I couldn't completely understand how she won, but I'm guessing her clevage and the male judge had something to do with it. She's also got a horrible personality that screams "I'm sexy, pretty, and an awesome singer". She likes to show off that fake JW smile of hers.

    So anyway, there were some pretty good singers. I ended up singing "Rebel Yell" anyway. My voice started dying near the end, but I got some good cheering despite not knowing anyone there. The squeaky bitch did "Killing Me Softly" which wasn't incredible at all.

    After the contest had finished, they had a couple of singers to pass time while the marks were being tabulated. Squeaky got up and brutally murdered "Black Velvet". I was extremely tempted to go up there and kick her.

    Then the moment arrived. The hostess announced that 3 semi-finalists were going to the finals this Sunday. I thought "Only 3? I could name 3 people who were better than me". I began preparing myself for disappointment. No big deal.

    The first name was called, the second name was called, then my name was called! I nearly shit myself. Hell, I didn't care that I made the finals, I BEAT SQUEAKY!!! I had to restrain myself from going up to her, pointing, and laughing. I looked over at her, and a big frown came over her face.

    Now let's see if I can win some money. I'll probably have my ass kicked by 6 women doing "I'll always love you", but whatever. It's all good!

  • gumby


    Does Karaoke ever change?

    I also sing and used to do Karaoke at various places. It amazes me how certain songs are always the same favorites. "Wind beneath my Wings " is another favorite the women like. "You've lost that Lovin feeling" is another favorite that 99% of the time is botched bad by some Bobby Hatfield wannabe.

    I have a large PA system, with all the goodies and about 1500 songs. Too bad you don't live closer.


  • morty

    Well hell Nos, good for you.....Congrats!!!

    I do remember your post back a couple of months ago and you were really pisssed about that girl...

    You beat her now, so sing what your good at for the finals....Good Luck Nos!Ozzy



    Nosferatu: I know you're gonna roll your eyes at me for this one, but you know full well what will place you on top of the Manitoba Legislative Building, ousting the 'Golden Boy'.

    Yup, that dreaded song: "My Boy Lollipop" - it worked before, and everyone in Winnipeg is aware of your talents, and your version of this song.

    I did the Clash's: Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now

    Most people said: 'I should go'.

    I hated that place.

  • Nosferatu
    Good Luck Nos!Ozzy

    Woah! Smileys have sure changed since the BBS days. I love Ozzy!!!

    Thanx all for the encouragement!

    I did the Clash's: Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now

    Most people said: 'I should go'.

    LMAO Ray! I'm not sure if I'm going to tackle My Boy Lollipop this time around. I haven't practiced it in a while

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