Just came back from the Semi-finals and I'm tired as hell, but here's how the night went...
I got there early so I could have a couple of warmup songs. My voice wasn't working very well tonight, but things were looking pretty good since no real talent got on stage until 11:30.
Then.... she walked in..... the squeaky bitch. She's only around when there's a karaoke contest, and I can't stand her voice or the way she presents herself. A couple of years ago, I entered a contest that she won first place. I couldn't completely understand how she won, but I'm guessing her clevage and the male judge had something to do with it. She's also got a horrible personality that screams "I'm sexy, pretty, and an awesome singer". She likes to show off that fake JW smile of hers.
So anyway, there were some pretty good singers. I ended up singing "Rebel Yell" anyway. My voice started dying near the end, but I got some good cheering despite not knowing anyone there. The squeaky bitch did "Killing Me Softly" which wasn't incredible at all.
After the contest had finished, they had a couple of singers to pass time while the marks were being tabulated. Squeaky got up and brutally murdered "Black Velvet". I was extremely tempted to go up there and kick her.
Then the moment arrived. The hostess announced that 3 semi-finalists were going to the finals this Sunday. I thought "Only 3? I could name 3 people who were better than me". I began preparing myself for disappointment. No big deal.
The first name was called, the second name was called, then my name was called! I nearly shit myself. Hell, I didn't care that I made the finals, I BEAT SQUEAKY!!! I had to restrain myself from going up to her, pointing, and laughing. I looked over at her, and a big frown came over her face.
Now let's see if I can win some money. I'll probably have my ass kicked by 6 women doing "I'll always love you", but whatever. It's all good!