If you think the JWs have got some crazy shit scandals going on then watch this
by joe134cd 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Interesting, but just fyi. There isn't a competition between organizations on which one is more messed up.
@ scratchme...
Oh, come on, you know better.
In America... everything is a competition.
cha ching
From what this historian said, it seems like "persecution" is the key to "validation."
"We were persecuted, therefore we must be the true religion."
I kind of wanted to highlight organizations ability to survive amongst animosity. If the Mormons can come out smelling like roses after having dealings with the Mafia and brothel establishments, then the JWs will survive child sex abuse, and UN affiliation. After all arnt they just imperfect men who from time to time will make mistakes.
Deliberate mistakes at initially unsuspecting converts expense when they realise these are a bunch of hypocritical charlatans is inexcusable. No apologetics from me !!
joe134cd - "If the Mormons can come out smelling like roses after having dealings with the Mafia and brothel establishments..."
The LDS is smelling like roses?
You sure?
joe134cd - "...then the JWs will survive child sex abuse."
Not necessarily.
Institutionalized and endemic child abuse pretty much brought another fringe religion - the Hare Krishnas - to its knees... they still technically exist, but only as a pale shadow of their former selves.
Not to mention that the WTS is refusing to budge, or even admit that it's done anything wrong.