Merian-Webster - New Covenant Defination

by Riley 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Riley

    noun. : a promise of redemption by God to people as individuals rather than as a nation and on the basis of God's grace rather than a person's adherence to the law.

    I guess the dictionary is written by apostates.

  • Phizzy

    " I guess the dictionary is written by apostates." LOL, Merriam-Webster must be produced by Apostates, the devil has inspired them to give totally false definitions to words that contradict the correct definition given by The Faithful Slave.

    J.W's BEWARE ! The Merriam-Webster Dictionary will destroy your faith !

    ( I doubt we will ever see the above from the Org. they trust that very few J.W's ever pick up a Dictionary).

  • TonusOH

    They will just say that the dictionary is a secular work devised by Satan to mislead the true followers of blah blah blah. Their next slogan will be "Education is a snare and a racket!"

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