IS Gordon Watson the latest WT victim?

by Nathan Natas 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The new 2004 yearbook (thanks, Blueblades!) informs faithful JWs

    Bible knowledge can help us to shun"artfully contrived false stories" and to remain faithful to Jehovah

    Now, who is the very exemplification of "Bible knowledge"(tm)? Yes, that is correct - the governing boby of Jehovah's Witnesses at the Brooklyn headquarters are the very exemplification of "Bible knowledge"(tm).

    Certainly these spirit led men would be masters of detection when it comes to "artfully contrived false stories"(tm).

    Why, then, did they allow Gordon Watson and his family to suffer so? Gordon Watson, by the way, was a rather big fish in the Canadian subsidiary of the WTB&TS publication empire until he was charged with a crime, and then the WTB&TS dropped him like thirty odd feet of hot grunt.

    Here's a recent story:

    - - - begin story - - -

    Fri, December 12, 2003

    Elder cleared of fondling

    By CP

    BRANDON, Man. -- Gordon Watson has been found not guilty of sexually assaulting an elderly hospital patient after a judge ruled a photo lineup used to identify Watson unfairly highlighted him as a suspect. The 42-year-old former Jehovah's Witness elder broke down in tears and embraced family members following Judge Krystyna Tarwid's decision on Wednesday.

    "As you can see, I am very relieved this is over," Watson said outside court after the decision. "I want to get on with my life. The past year and a half has been terrible for our family. Our life has been ruined here. Our home used to be in Brandon but is no longer here because we were kicked out of the city, because of the media, unfortunately."


    Watson was accused of sexually assaulting a 76-year-old woman as she was lying in her hospital bed at the Assiniboine Health Centre on Aug. 3, 2002.

    The woman said a man walked into her room, identified himself as a doctor and proceeded to open her housecoat and kiss her breasts.

    The woman, who described her attacker as well groomed and nattily attired, later picked Watson's photo from a police photo lineup including seven other pictures.

    - - - end story - - -

    It is to be expected that Brother Gordon would blame "the media." That is his conditioning. But "the media" did not remove Brother Gordon from his position in his congregation, did it? "The media" did not shun Brother Gordon Watson and his family, did they? Who did these things? Why, the spirit led possessors of "Bible knowledge"(tm) did these things, and permitted these things to be done within the congregation of people who are faithful to a sock-puppet god called "Jehovah" and nothing else.

    Brother Gordon, the worldwide apostate community would be glad to hear the story of the abuse and suspicion you experienced at the hands of your former masters in the WTS of Canada. How many, many stories you must have... unburden yourself - for our load is light.

  • simplesally

    I would imagine the public was not so kind to him either. Elders cannot remain elders if they are not above reproach, until this matter was over, I am sure he was removed until then. His reappointment will depend on how he was cleared: legal loophole or clearly innocent. He will have to still be above reproach both to the congregation and to onlookers.

  • Nosferatu

    It's funny how Gordon was removed as an elder because of the media, but the Governing Body is still intact despite what the media has written about the Child Abuse cases.

  • neverin

    Simple Sally

    You say that an elder cannot remain in post if is not beyond reproach, yet the man who abused me when I was a child was sheilded in his position for 3 years after it became known to the WTBS what he had done (when as an adult I reported him to social services). The official advice was for him to 'carry on as normal, she (meaning me) hasn't made a fuss so keep quiet and hopefully it will all die down'. He was allowed to step down, stating that his wife was ill and needed his support, and he only did this because I reported him to the police and he was put on the sex offenders register. Even now over 2 years after his arrest many in his congregation don't know what happened and continue to allow him access to their children.

  • Gadget


    The the way I understand it, simplesally is right. The elders have to remain 'above reproach', and since Gordon Watsons case was widely reported then everybody knew about it and so he was not above reproach. In your case, you said that most in the hall still do not know what happened, so in their eyes he is still 'above reproach'.

    The fact you said about it being covered over and still being allowed access to children in the hall is a big one, and many here have issue with it.

  • Gadget

    And welcome to the board.

  • Earnest
    Brother Gordon, the worldwide apostate community would be glad to hear the story of the abuse and suspicion you experienced at the hands of your former masters in the WTS of Canada. How many, many stories you must have... unburden yourself - for our load is light. - Nathan Natas, 12-Dec-03 16:46 GMT

    Is this the same Nathan Natas who started the thread Gordon Watson is a good JW, no doubt ? Who highlighted the fact that he was a JW elder at the time of his being charged ? If you got it wrong that he was a JW elder guilty of a sex crime then what better than to talk of the "abuse and suspicion [he] experienced" by being removed as an elder while the trial was ongoing. I am not impressed with double standards wherever I see them.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am very doubtful about this article that states that he is an ex-elder.

    My information is that he remained an elder in good standing. The daughter of the victim lives across the street from the hall and would see him going in and out and being welcomed by the JWs. People patting him on the back, shaking hands with him.

    It is also interesting how the papers seem to leave out that the victim is also a JW but has stopped going to meetings since the assault. She is being shunned.

    As a person who has had several encounters with the press I know too well that what gets said in an interview often doesn't show up when it is published and that often they get it wrong.

    I have met/known many sexual abusers. Most have a good act to display to the public if they get caught. After all they know what they did was wrong and have prepared themselves well.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Earnestly Earnest asked,

    Is this the same Nathan Natas who started the thread Gordon Watson is a good JW, no doubt ? Who highlighted the fact that he was a JW elder at the time of his being charged ? If you got it wrong that he was a JW elder guilty of a sex crime then what better than to talk of the "abuse and suspicion [he] experienced" by being removed as an elder while the trial was ongoing. I am not impressed with double standards wherever I see them.

    I am. Makes for pretty good press, don't you think?

    Maybe you don't; you're confused. Let me help you:

    I have not laid claim to any supernatural source of divine wisdom as the WTB&TS has. I do not tell people that I am God's representative on earth as the WTB&TS does.

    Since the WTB&TS makes such a claim, all I ask is for them to demonstrate that they are what they say they are.

    I am simply a "worldly" observer of events; a poor ignorant schmuck like yourself. The news reported that Good ol' Brother and Elder Gordy Watson was accused of raping an elderly woman as she lay in hospital. I asked the same question that many, many others asked. Gordon Watson was a "big fish" in his little pond of Canadian JWs - he wasn't one of the rank-and-file Dubs. He was a Watchtower Big Wheel; now he's nothing, according to the story quoted above... at least for the time being while the propagation delay of the Holy Spirit from Jah's throne room at Alcyone gets worked out.

    People are pretty confused about the way the law works. They like to sound all righteous and remind us about the presumption of innocence. They don't realize that THAT is a duty of a juror, not of every citizen on the street. I have the right to make prejudiced decisions, and I do so every day. Since I am not Gordy's jury, and I don't claim to be among his "spiritual brethern," I don't owe Gordy squat. The spirit led Watchtower Society was willing to use Brother Gordy until he was accused. Didn't Jehovah's Holy Spirit know that the evidience against Gordy was weak? Why didn't the WTB&TS of Canada stick by ol' Gordy?

    We know the answer to those question.

    It has been pointed out before that most people only experience a "crisis of conscience" when THEY PERSONALLY have been affected by the policies of the WTB&TS. Perhaps Gordy is among those now. Maybe he will make the mental disconnect. What stories he could tell!

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