Will Self is a well known thinker, journalist and writer here in the UK. I think this article is absolutely on the money. In any case, well worth a read. I think we should help him distribute the "WillTower".
Will Self on JWs
by Slidin Fast 7 Replies latest jw friends
That Article is SO good ! it has some phrases in it that I might pinch, and one I had already thought of, describing the J.W beliefs as equivalent to those of "Flat-Earthers".
A really Good Read ! thanks for Posting !
stan livedeath
TBH i cant stand Will Self. Very apt name though.
Hilarious. He gets rid of JWs on his doorstep by saying, "I'm a vampire."
That's not one I've ever heard, but it would've shocked me into leaving immediately!
@Stan - yeah, Will Self sometimes rubs me up the wrong way, too. Although I liked him when he was on Shooting Stars, lol.
He makes some points but he's wrong when he says JWs view salvation as pre-ordained. Er, no they don't. They view salvation as dependent on faithfulness to Jehovah. Sin repeatedly and don't ask for forgiveness ... and you're gonna be killed at Armageddon, even if you are one of the anointed.
Also, I don't agree with him when he calls the JWs 'infantile'. Misguided, yes, but infantile? Nah.
The good thing about Will Self is he's an eccentric Brit who does his own thing and says whatever he wants.
Slidin Fast
I agree WS is an acquired taste, he is a "marmite" character. Not every point he made was entirely accurate. Personally, despite these hesitations I think this was a great, thought provoking piece with a lot of scoring blows.
TBH i cant stand Will Self. Very apt name though.
I'm with you on that, Stan. I really don't see this typically arrogant piece by Self as really landing any significant blows against the JWs, especially since it contains a few lazy inaccuracies, as LoveUni pointed out.
The photo is excellent, apart from anything else.
As for Will Self and the JWs, as a bystander it sometimes appears that people who are drawn to one another deserve each other, in this case it appears the perfect marriage of ignorance and arrogance.