I didn't know what category to put this under, but would appreciate thoughts. We know if you are DF or dissasociate yourself, an anouncement is made at the local KH. Do any of you know if they also contact congreagations you have gone to previously? ( or do you think it is just the gossip mill? ) in this case the mill would have gone from NC to WV to Maine to PR .
spreading the word that someone is out
by enoughisenough 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I suspect that PIMI JW's existence is now so depressing, that any hot gossip they hear is a "God-send."
The jungle drums (social media/emails/texts) then spread the news faster than you can say "apostate."
JW gossip is more virulent than coronavirus - and twice as deadly!
BoogerMan...I told a JW a truthful concern of mine in a congregation 1.5 hours away from my congregation, ( in WV) What I told went to NY state and back to WV to a person who told an elder's wife... I was called out for slander. I was judged for slander before I ever got to defend myself.
road to nowhere
The announcement is only at the congregation that formed the committee. The gossip mill travels fast
In my case I would wear that as a badge of honour, the more people that knew me in the many congs.that I attended the better .
smiddy3...that would be great if the story that went along with it was you disassociated...but they read off you aren't any longer a witness and that leaves ones to speculate. That being said, on the local level, some knew why I left...hopefully that is what spread. ( what prompted this post was I have a friend in Puerto Rico and I get a ph message they aren't taking calls.) ( of course it could be because I suggested they look up certain scriptures that don't go along with WT narrative.)
And if that is the reason why they are not taking your calls anymore ,which sounds like it ,they are not friends worth having and your better off without them IMO.
Likewise with me Smiddy: I recently copied & pasted 14 Watchtower quotes in an email to a couple of diehard JW's who never "abandoned" us when we faded - which essentially confirmed my "point" regarding a JW dogma.
It looks very much like they have now! The prolonged silence is deafening.
I think the JW have been cracking the whip upon the rank and file as to them having the least bit of communication with "filthy apostates"...and the sheeple are walking over the cliff.