well, my sister in law and me (she's a witness) planned to go to a concert just after the assembly finishes on the 14 dec. so we are staying at the casino in a very very nice room. the witnesses are having an assembly right next door to the casino and we had to walk nearby to get to our accommodation. As we were passing them all sitting on the lawn with their kids or on their own, i was so glad to be free from all that and not have to go anymore. i can do what i want and dont have to sit in that stinking hot place with no airconditioning.......what a feeling it is to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perth assembly - AUSTRALIA
by fairy 3 Replies latest jw experiences
lol so true...so true
the witnesses are having an assembly right next door to the casino
Damm,If that was me staying at the casino I would try to get hold of a dub badge.Then I would make my self very conspicuous at the casino gambling, getting drunk and trying to pick up women.What a good witness that would be.
wish i had thought of that