Thunder decided to take a nap the other day I looked thru the DVD but since took most of them LOL I decided on a VHS tape, I was looking and came upon a tape of the kids talent show 1993.
I even enjoyed watching the other kids seeing them and realizing how they turned out some for the good some not and some aren't alive anymore.
Mel and Ant were singing "Dance Band on the Titanic" by Harry Chapin with the tape of it in the background. I dressed them in Sailor type dress. Ant had pants that were blue checked and he looked like George MichaelLOL When they came out, the tape was wound too tight (do you remember that LOL doesn't happen with CD's) It sounded like Chipmunks on crack. Ant was at the microphone and was looking panicked but trying to smile.
Finally I had run up to grab the tape and they went off stage. I wound it all to the end then back to loosen it up thank god it didn't break LOL
Then the kids were up again, Ant was so short and he had to stand on his tip-toes LOL He would not relinquish the mike for Mel's part. she was trying to push....then pull.....then punch LOL They both sang their little hearts out I think Mel was in 4th and he was in 2nd in the video. In the middle of the song their is guitar part and Ant starts playing air guitar. Everyone loved it and were laughing and applauding...a success
I sat thru this twice crying and laughing. Seems like yesterday but yet so long ago. I called the Principle that was there that year he was amazing I let him know what those kids were up to and that the little boy that had to stand on his toes to sing, was a Marine. He said I made his day and laughed.