Anti-Aging - Possible Timeline

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The December issue of Discover magazine contains an interesting article that cites Michael Fossel, an expert on

    aging research. Some of his comments:

    "Can we arrest aging now? No Do we have good reasons to think it can be arrested? Yes"

    "....but my bet is that we will look back and say 'Right around 2005 or so, that's about when we started to really alter

    the aging process" (pg 74)

    I think he's right. The genes responsible for expression of aging are rapidly being identified. The next step

    is to identify substances that alter that expression ( using 'DNA chips' - possibly to compare with caloric deprivation

    which is known to impede aging). So far, maybe some anti-diabetic drugs, reservatrol, or carnosine .....

    It's not that distant...

    metatron ( save for a long retirement!)

  • Sentinel

    Hummmm, I said in another post, many new things on the horizon for mankind.

    Thanks for this information! Although I doubt it will reverse the aging process, it could potentially curb it a great deal. (So I'm still stuck being an elder lady of 57. )

  • metatron

    Cloning and stem cells might be able to reverse aging, at least partially. It was announced this week that they cloned a human

    embryo to the 16 cell stage. Further, recent research suggests that mammals could have regenerative ability, just like salamanders,

    if certain genes could be "turned on". These things are moving rapidly.

    I strongly recommend a subscription to Life Extension magazine, to anyone interested in this subject.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    When a guy named Fossel (Fossil) writes and article about ageing, I would check the cover to make sure it wasn't the April issue.

    I agree with the general premise that we are near the threshold of a new era of biotech innovations.

  • chappy

    Discoveries in this area have been comming fast in the past few years. However, the social and political implications are vast. For example, if the magic bulliet is actually discovered would it be available for everyone? What about population control? Would children become a thing of the past? What about "undesirables". What about prisoners sentenced to "life"? What about social security payments? Would the economy support enough jobs for everyone?

    My fear is that the rich and powerful would find a way to keep this to themselves.



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