page 15,16,17. Both Jehovah and his only - begotten Son------"the Word"---place a high value on communication. ( John1:1,14; Rev.19:13 ) Reflecting that same view,the faithful slave class continues to work hard to help God's people improve their preaching and teaching skills.With that goal in mind,Jehovah's organization prepared the book Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education.Many publishers have expressed their appreciation for this textbook since its introduction into the Theocractic Ministry School in January 2003.
"There is no other religious group that cares so much about helping its members,both young and old,to communicate effectively,"wrote an elder n the Philippines.An elder in Brazil said:"For me,January 2003 was a teaching milestone in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses."Another stated:"I have noticed that the younger ones in the congregation are showing more interest in participating in the school.Some have read the textbook from cover to cover and completed all th exercises-----all this before the material has been considered at the school !"A traveling overseer has made fine use of the Ministry School book on shepherding visits.He writes:"Such chapters as 'Apply Yourself to Reading,'Study Is Rewarding,'and 'Know How You Ought To Answer' are of great help in preparing for meetings and the ministry...................
A district overseer in South Africa commented:"This is truly an outstanding handbook.It takes not just a mechanical approach to speech qualities but a spiritual one,showing how these qualities are the product of Christian love and concern for others."
Your comments on what is here written by the slave in the Yearbook is welcomed.
Next Highlight will be about "Legal Developments",to be continued.