Blood donor, recipient die of mad cow disease
by PopeOfEruke 7 Replies latest watchtower medical
Black Sheep
I urge you to be careful with Mad Cow Disease theories.
Like armageddon, anti-trinity, SARS, AIDS, Global Warming, etc there are Apostates of these theories, and they have evidence that must be swept under the carpet in order to keep these theories alive.
Do your homework or you will be sucked in again, as you were with the Borg.
Hi Black!
I am only reporting a news story, not promoting any JW crap. I left that years ago......
All I know is, I am glad I don't live in friggin' England!!
Black Sheep
Hi Pope
One of mankind's problems is that that we are quick to leap on bandwagons that suit our preconceived ideas, without doing in-depth research.
I have been very guilty of this in the past. I am, now, much more sceptical.
By the same token I am very stupid.
I discovered the shonky
doctrinesresearch behind AIDS, cancer, SARS, GW, etc. well before I took a good look at the Troof....and, yes, I do feel like a right twat for for getting that wrong. I made the mistake of believing my parents, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary I got at school etc.
My thinking now is.....
Don't believe anyone on the basis that they appear to have credentials. These credentials may be largely illusory.
Question Everything
I am sure the JW world will be jumping on this news with joy!!! The link was sent to me by a JW relative...
But a good point to respond is: if the JW leadership have now approved Hemapure which is made from cows blood, won't that mean that the JW's who have no brain of their own but follow the conscience of other people (the GB) and accept Hemapure, may be in a high risk category for Kreuz-Jakob (mad-cow disease) ???
Stop with the Hemapure talk, Pope; that is too logical.
*gives outdated Blood brochure*
JW's better not jump too high. Hemopure IS cow's blood so if anyone gets JCD it'll probably show up in a JW first as this is the only red blood cells that they can accept. Ther is NO, I repeat,NO way to test for the agent that csuses JCD. So all cows blood prepared for human transfusions are capable of transmitting the disease. The medical community does not know exactly how it is transmitted or how to avoid passing it on except to avoid the contaminated cows. If a cow is in the early stages of mad cow disease they may not show symptoms but are still capable of transmitting the disease.