I remember one time I while doing street work, at about 6am. We were working the store fronts in a large shopping center, which would not open until 10:00am. I was approached by a homeless person, he asked me for money. I said I have no money, you can have what I do have, and handed him the watchtower.
What is the most arrogant thing you have done while in field ministry
by l3gi0n 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Actually, this happened to me. I stopped and said, "Let's go for lunch." We went to MickeyD's. Had a nice chat. I have to admit that at the time I was employed in a job that helped the homeless, but I would have done it anyway. You have to be careful giving money because some of the homeless have a problem with drugs. By all means buy them a meal and treat them like a person.
I'm trying to think, not that I haven't been arrogant. Usually I saved that for the brothers.
I was walking back from a door and a homeless guy passed me and said: "Nobody in this neighborhood wants you people around here". I said "Believe me, it's YOU nobody wants around you loser" I had to be restrained from going after him. The elder in charge of the group laughed at me. He said he admired my feistiness. What a fine witness (lol). That's what happens when you get so many doors slammed in your face. "DON'T YOU WANT ETERNAL LIFE DAMMIT?".
I actually told people I wasn't trying to convert them.
I just wanted to talk about the bible.
I was guilty of that too. I usually said something about "not forcing people to change religions". It was like I was trying to rationlize(read: lie) to myself if I said outloud that we were trying to help people understand the bible when all along we were trying to win converts. I hated all the service meeting parts on overcoming objections. If somebody told me, "no, I'm not interested" that was good enough for me. I didn't need to "draw them out" and see exactly what they thought the trinity was before I attempted to prove them wrong and us right.
I mean, god, how stupid was I? ministry school/service meetings were sales meetings. Here's our product. Here's how it works. Here's how to convince people they need it. Here's how to overcome their objection at not needing it. All in the name of god.
This was informal , at work of all places :
workmate "I would like to go on a six month Bible Study course in Texas"
Me " Oh, no" you dont need that, just invite us round, we can reach you all there is to know about the Bible", spoken loudly before all amd in a condescending tone. A shocked silence ensued and he just gasped at my big headedness
He still speaks to me and seems to have forgiven me, thankfully
Spoke to a born-again Christian (you know the type -more arrogant than any religion on earth). Anyway, she got very argumentative and rather than being a text-book JW I started on the Trinity thing Isis,Osiris, Horus and others and just lambasted her -- she stood there in disbelief. She said something nasty so I said "Well what a proper little Christian you are" and walked off with a flippant wave of my hand -- if she had reported me toBethel I thinmk I would have been in trouble --but it felt good -- Born Agains are so arrogant.
I was out in service with an elderly brother . . . Chris Dunlop was his name I think. Well, at one of the doors an angry lady cursed at Chris and said, " . . . you are not Christian! You don't even solute the flag or believe in the cross!"
Ol Chris did not skip a beat. He replied, "no ma'am, we do not salute the flag, but I'll gladly hold it while you do".
Before she could speak, Chris pointed to the crucifix around her neck and asked, "If Jesus had've died in the electric chair would you be wearing one around your neck too?"
The lady at the door was flabbergasted and slamned it shut in our faces. I am not sure if that was as arrogant as it was funny.