Years ago, we used to wonder about Bible Studies and why they fought so hard to resist giving up Christmas.
It just seemed that many people were willing to face all the negatives about becoming a Witness - except this one.
Why? It's simple
Friends and family!
Without Christmas - and perhaps a few other "worldly" holidays - many people would virtually lose their families - and friends.
Consider: Your days and weeks are stuffed full of activity. You and the wife must work - the kids have jobs or after school activities
and , of course, Witnesses have 5 meetings a week plus the obligation of an imaginary , door to door 'ministry' to occupy their time.
Take away the holiday visits and presents and greeting cards and guess what?
Grandma and grandpa and cousin Ed and your old high school buddy are forgotten again , this year.
Of course, they're "worldly" - which equals "bad association" - which equals God-will-kill-them-soon-at-Armageddon!
But even if they are "in the truth", many extended Witness families have little to do with each other. There just isn't
that much time to have anything to do with them. That's how my Witness family always was - and is.
Is Christmas pagan? Only if you make it so. If you pick any day in the year to think about God and Jesus,
it isn't pagan for you. What's the point of avoiding customs generated by ancient religions that are long dead ?
( unless you're a Druid). Like much of the "truth", no individual conscience is permitted here, just obey and shun
the rest.
It's sad for me to look back at all the people with broken families becoming Witnesses - and getting stuck trying
to "make good" on that investment - while their 'return' is merely plastic smiles and friendships that can terminate
anytime on command by the elders or wilt if meetings aren't obediently attended.
I now know understand why they fought so hard for Christmas