Thanks Tallyman, for the Mighty K!

by TR 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    Just want to let you know I appreciate you bringing to our attention the mighty K! K is a wonderful letter. It brings to mind a KaKophony of sounds that delight the senses. Krack me a beer, or KLap for my boy at his jazz Koncert the other night.

    Konsider the possibilities of the mighty K! The word "Kult" is vanKuished by the K. "Kar group" no longer brings to mind a total waste of a Saturday. "Kounting time" no longer worries me at the end of every month. Kalling the Kops is something I Kan do when there is a pedophile around, that is, if I don't Kill the K*Ksucker first. Kreating an exKuse for not going to the meeting is a burden off my chest. Being Kalled into a judicial Kommittee meeting is a worry of the past. Field service territory Kards are a thing of the past. Waking up at the Krack of dawn to go to a distriKt or cirKuit assembly is a worry of a by gone era.

    By the Kreative use of the K, we Kan Kancel the Krap, and Klear our Kraniums of the KounterproduKtive Krud that Klogged our Kritical thinking abilities.

    Now, what to do with the word "Cingdom". Guess I Kan Kleanse my head of that one.


    "Kults Suck"

  • TR

    Just in case you didn't see this, Tallyman.


    "Kults Suk"

  • LDH

    Brilliantly funny. And you're right, seeing that K does tend to make those theoKratiK words more tolerable!

    Dead ahead, Tally!

  • Tallyman
    Just in case you didn't see this, Tallyman.


    HOW-IN-HECK could I let this thread slip by ??

    Must be the events of the last few days and my preparations for the impending civil lawsuit against YK.

    Of kourse, YK disgraces the wonderful letter 'K' by using it as his Krappy Kult Persona.

    - - -

    See, we are in the process of writing a paper on the use of the letter 'K' in relation to the Watchtower... and will publish it when finished, but there are so many angles and perspectives on this...

    First, the Watchtower is not JUST a garden-variety Cult.
    They are Special. Unique... err, 'UniKue'

    And there is another unwritten rule of usage. Many times the letter 'k' in association with the Watchtowerkult can be substituted for the letter 'Q'. Yes, it's True!

    And at times, it is even permitted to use 'K' in place of soft 'C's, instead of always subbing it for hard 'C's.

    We use 'K' for many reasons.
    The Watchtower HAS to stand out among all the other, many cults.
    'K' in Kult helps accomplish that.

    You realize that you need a schtick to get a point akross sometimes.
    'K' is a SchticK.

    I used to be in the graphics art field as a Signpainter, and there is a technique in advertising to substitute the letter 'K' for 'C' to grab attention... but, it is almost always to promote some product which is cheap, cheesy and crappy. Never used for something classy.

    (of course the ONLY exception, yes, I'll be dogmatic, the ONLY exception to this rule is for the Fantastic Southern Donuts named:
    Krispy Kremes

    - - -

    Since the Watchtower society is an American cult, originating on these shores and exported, and this tendency to sub 'K' for 'C' seems to be a slice of Americana that many others are aware of.

    When we think of The Kult, the Watchtowerkult (either are acceptable),
    we think of the word ' K i t s c h '
    which mean:
    gaudy, trashy; specifically in art or writing, etc., of a pretentious, but shallow kind...

    Now, TR, can you think of a Better Word, that starts with a better letter ('K') that describes the Watchtower Society??

    A Big Fat Slice of Kultish AmeriKana Kitsch !

    And then,
    there's this: 'K' is a much more dangerous letter than 'C'

    'K' is pointed, jagged, with sharp edges... you can get Kut on a 'K'

    'C' is softer, more rounded and benign.

    No, 'C' is not the letter to use to name the Watchtower Kult.

    And 'Kult' seems much more perjorative than 'Cult',
    and heck, if you are TRYING TO BE PERJORATIVE,
    which we are, then one would opt for the 'K'.
    Most definitely.

    And then too, my tendency to use 'k' instead of 'c', it might even be a tad genetik, as I've told Kent and Jan and Norm that my maternal
    great Grandmother was from Norway... and we know what letter the North Men prefer.

    - - -

    So, that is just an abstract. The full body of my report is forthkoming.


  • TR


    When we think of The Kult, the Watchtowerkult (either are acceptable),
    we think of the word ' K i t s c h '
    which mean:
    gaudy, trashy; specifically in art or writing, etc., of a pretentious, but shallow kind...

    Now, TR, can you think of a Better Word, that starts with a better letter ('K') that describes the Watchtower Society??

    Kitsch...hmmm...gaudy, trashy...I like it. It describes well the gaudy pretentious exterior of the Kult's writings and at the same times describes the trashy filth that lies just under the surface of the front Kover.

    From now on, on this forum, I shall refer to the Kult's writings as "Kitsch".


    "Kults Suk"

  • unclebruce

    Thanks for the education boys - K is more perjorative than C eh? Well kover me in khokolate and throw me to the women .. learn something new every day ..

    kheers, unkle bruke

    watkhtower bible and trakt suit sokiety kolumbia heights brooklyn new york .. mmm i still don't 'get it'

  • Francois

    "...the impending civil lawsuit against YK."

    What civil lawsuit? I have obviously missed something. What is?


    My $0.02

  • sf

    Unc, it's KROOKLYN! Please don't make this mistake again.

    sKally, who doesn't mind a little violence and wine&choKolate along with a bush of flowers once in a is wild!

  • unclebruce

    Franc - YK was being his usual judge-MENTAL self when Tom caught him out. I think it was decided such a lawsuit hard to press. (cyberspace being what it is) I think people derisively shaking their heads at youknow wherever he posts is punishment enough for the cruel uneducated zombie.

    OK SKally you've whipped my butt good - now turn around! Bush of flowers? ROTFL!

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