Did you hate Elders and Servants meetings too?

by Maverick 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Maverick

    Boy did I hate them! I was an Art Department manager for two years with a small printing company in Southern calif. We would have planning meetings, production meetings, payroll meetings etc. I would try to get through these meetings as fast as I could so I could go back to my department and get my staff working!

    As a dud there were brothers that just loved to sit in those STUPID Elder and Servant meetings. And as with the business meeting you would get some brown nose MS trying to make points or some Elder with a pet peave and they would drag these meeting on and on...Even meetings with the corporate inspector,(CO) you would get some MS who would end run the local Elders with his little idea and you could just see the PO fume. At least with a business meeting when an inderling did an end run you could hammer him later about it. With the duds they would just roll over and take it up the whazoo! I wonder if they like to play "I'm important". After-all how many meetings do window washers and carpet cleaners get to sit in on?

    I always thought the Elders and Servants meeting were very similar to the production meeting I had to endure, but stupid me, I did not put it all together! I would cringe at the end of a meeting when the PO would ask if anyone had anything to add! Some turd would start all over again on the points we already covered and all I wanted was to get out of there! Maverick

  • Thirdson


    I hated the meetings with the CO as an MS and they were even worse when it was elders and the CO. The PO was such a brown-noser when the CO was there and a dominating autocrat the rest if the time. Seeing what elders were like and how they run things was a big eye-opener for me -- a raised in the troof dub. I didn't last as an elder very long.

    I remember that at nearly every meeting I attended I had to defend some congregation member or another against the pet peeves and prejudices of particular elders. I joined an elder body in conflict with the bodies of two of the three congs that shared the hall with us. Mainly the POs fault who had a personal beef with elders he had served with before, but he managed to sour the whole elder body. It was a disgrace, after another elder and I resigned the PO was forced to give up his top spot in the elder body. The CO moved his son-in-law to top job so I doubt things improved that much. I moved away that very week.


  • Maverick

    Thirdson, I too saw all kinds of PETTY crap with these "Brothers"! By comparison the business meetings were much more productive, and they were no picnics either! I just dreaded the old, "There will be a brief Elders Meeting" as part of the KM announcements! I sat in on 32 meetings with the various CO's. They are a real piece of work...that bunch. But that's a different topic! Maverick

  • minimus

    It's the BOY'S CLUB! The reason why these guys like elder and ms meetings is because they feel special, important. As if they're saving mankind or something. They should join a gym, a club, a group of any sort---just so they can get out of the house. I swear these men had nothing better to do than rehash everything that was already said 20 times......Do I sound like I miss these meetings?

  • Maverick

    Amen Min! After about the third time they would go over some point that was "settled" two rounds ago I wanted to just screem, "I have a wife I want to go bang! You old dickless farts are killing my sex life!" But Nooooooo, I would just sit there like a good little dud and roll my eyes! (couldn't help that!) Maverick

  • LittleToe

    They sucked.

    Long and drawn out. Full of bluff and blunder. So often surrounded by men who twisted book rules to their own ends.

    If you think the congs lacked love, you should have been a fly on the wall in some of those meetings.
    Even the "loving" shepherding visits were usually arranged at the last minute before the C.O. Visit, mainly because he was going to ask (especially about those who were irregular).

    Maybe I just took it all too seriously

  • BluesBrother


    I cannot put it better tham Maverick and the others who have posted already.. Just to say that it was just the same on this side of the pond.

    The "Brief" reading of the circuit accounts used to get me too. Some prat would ask to hear some minor point again and again,, and who the hell cares???

  • Dansk

    They were so interesting I actually forgot to go once - I was out shopping with Claire miles away

  • stillajwexelder

    No -- I really used to enjoy them

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