Boy did I hate them! I was an Art Department manager for two years with a small printing company in Southern calif. We would have planning meetings, production meetings, payroll meetings etc. I would try to get through these meetings as fast as I could so I could go back to my department and get my staff working!
As a dud there were brothers that just loved to sit in those STUPID Elder and Servant meetings. And as with the business meeting you would get some brown nose MS trying to make points or some Elder with a pet peave and they would drag these meeting on and on...Even meetings with the corporate inspector,(CO) you would get some MS who would end run the local Elders with his little idea and you could just see the PO fume. At least with a business meeting when an inderling did an end run you could hammer him later about it. With the duds they would just roll over and take it up the whazoo! I wonder if they like to play "I'm important". After-all how many meetings do window washers and carpet cleaners get to sit in on?
I always thought the Elders and Servants meeting were very similar to the production meeting I had to endure, but stupid me, I did not put it all together! I would cringe at the end of a meeting when the PO would ask if anyone had anything to add! Some turd would start all over again on the points we already covered and all I wanted was to get out of there! Maverick