Counter-Missionary web sites

by DevonMcBride 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DevonMcBride

    While doing my research on the JW's, I found no shortage of web sites for Jews on how to refute Christian Evangelist including Jehovah's Witnesses. Some of them were pretty interesting too as they are able to refute most of the claims Christians have made about Jesus' prophecies and the role of the Messiah. I was amazed at how much misinformation other religions including the JW's teach about Jewish beliefs. I am pagan and have used these same refutations on Christian Evangelist. Since there are many atheists and ex-Christians on this board who are just as tired as I am hearing Jesus freaks preach, I thought I would share some of these links.


  • Mysterious

    It has been my experience that few of the more fanatic Christians will listen to any refuting up their believes. I found the links interesting though, thanks.

  • Euphemism

    I read the first link... like most apologetic sites, I found it tends to misrepresent its opponents' positions sometimes, and to ignore their counterarguments.

    However, it did have some interesting points... and I have to admit, it made me feel rather ashamed of the time I had a Bible study with a Jew. I was actually taking a lot of verses out of context without realizing it... I was just accustomed to thinking of those verses in the traditional Watchtower/Christian way, and it didn't really occur to me to examine them in context. Thankfully, my prospective convert didn't listen to me.

  • Leolaia

    Those 42 Old Testament prophecies proving that a rooster is the Messiah are hilarious!!!

    You should definitely post that in this forum! Leolaia

  • hooberus
    A Response to "1001 Errors in the Bible"

    James Patrick Holding

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