A question about pedophilia

by joao 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • joao

    Hi everybody!

    I've been absent for a while, because I've been focusing more in helping Portuguese readers know the truth about JW.

    We're trying to form an association in Portugal to help people abused by religious and non-religious organisations.

    I've also been trying to get a little away of these issues because my life has been really complicated since I slammed the door on JW's face!

    But I really would like to know if there have been any meaningful developments in the USA regarding the pedophilia cases/denunciations since the end of 2022. Are there any news?

    Thank you all!

  • Diogenesister

    Very much so. I'd recommend this video by JT, Lady Cee and mark O Donnell for a good breakdown (I believe Marks site is listed underneath). It's regarding the huge developments in Pennsylvania.


  • joao

    Thank you!

    I'll certainly watch it! I'd love to see all the responsible people for the abuses and the cover-ups held accountable and behind bars! That's the only way to stop more abuses from happening.

  • ThomasMore

    That certainly appears to be likely in PA, and I hope it proves to be the case. However, it takes real fortitude to see these things through to the end, and most DA's don't have the political capital. It is time-consuming and expensive as well so sometimes the money just runs out.

    If they have the databases that WTC protected for so long, then it will be a game changer.

  • GrreatTeacher

    The Attorney General for Pennsylvania has made a press announcement about the arrests of JW pedophiles from the state and their intention of pursuing these cases where "young children who went to church to pray were instead preyed upon."

    About 10 people have been arrested. One perpetrator ran and shot and killed himself rather than face the consequences.

    Every congregation in Pennsylvania has been ordered to produce any and all evidence of child sexual abuse that had been reported to them going back to 1987.

    Every elder should be and probably is shitting his pants right now. The Attorney General is on this hard and is not backing down. Pedophiles themselves have already been arrested, but what should concern every elder is that they will be looking for the hiding of knowledge of pedophiles that allowed abuse to continue.

    This made the local television news from Harrisburg. You may be able to find it by doing a search on you tube for Harrisburg, PA Attorney General Jehovah's Witness Child Sexual Abuse Arrests.

    This hit the old home territory, York County. You could add that into the search. There was at least one arrest there.

  • Vidiot

    Once again (regarding the cover-ups), you want to scream “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING???!!!”

  • LongHairGal

    Why does this abuse of power happen?

    Just speculation and my opinion why this happens in religions and organizations.

    Some adults must apparently fool themselves into believing these things would (take your pick):.. never see the light of day; victims considered under ‘subjection’ and unimportant in their eyes; it would be too embarrassing and children would be intimidated into silence and never reveal it; men should be ‘forgiven’; we are untouchable, etc., etc.

  • Fisherman

    I saw online that there is a Jewish group that is very active in support of Palestine and Palestinian children because Palestinians are believed to be oppressed by the Israeli government. They were asked if they also cared about children in other countries because it appeared that their only concern was alleged oppression by Israelis and the reason behind their concern was the group’s opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel so it boggles the mind if the group had their way against the republic of Israel, would their caring stop altogether and is it just a pretext because they don’t want the State of Israel to exist. It is not that they are wrong by caring about children but are they disingenuous and using the alleged abuse as a pretext?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    If elders are in fact shitting their pants right now,,,it is time to somehow step down.

    Just become either unreliable, useless, or just quit going to meetings and/or FS. Outright.

  • joao

    Thank you for your comments.

    Here the Catholic Church is facing an investigation which was asked by themselves because they were forced into it! :)

    But I must recognise that they took the correct decision when they asked for an independent investigation.

    400 victims reported having suffered abuses by priests 100 of which are still active but they will probably be accused of their crimes.

    I hope these will suffer the consequences of their crimes too!

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