Ok. I've been here a few months and already have created friendships from members of JWD. I know some of you have met via the different gatherings over time and I really hope to get to one this next year myself. I was wondering, if you could pick one or two members from this site to meet for real in person, who would it be? If you have already met friends, who next would you like to meet ??
Friends on JWD
by Sassy 9 Replies latest jw friends
I love to meet you Sassy
I would love to meet in person soooooooo many, I have been to some of the Apostofest and it was wonderful.
It really makes the friendships even stronger, you get to know them so much better.
I have met a few here on board now, and have had nothing but a whole lot of fun, when meeting people ( only been to one gathering though)
Sassy your on my list to the first one I want to meet...You have been a wonderful person to me....very honest and suppotive as well....
I have meet, Needs_alot ( Vicki) Rekindled our friendship....It was the best!!!
Rayzorblade...He has a heart of gold....Love him!
Peddy...(Rhonda)...The most giving person you will ever meet... she is a doll...I love her
Izziicool..(Walter)....Another giving person, would take his shirt off his back for ANYONE....Great guy!
Outnfree..(Brenda)...She is my mom of the board...always worrying about everyone and making sure they are looked after...Love her
Obwain..(Lewis)....He is really funny....Looked after all the girls while in Toronto....
Beans.....Really a caring daddy.....( wish I could have seen him in a drinking mood...lol...I know he has those potentials)
Quotes.....Deep guy, but very funny...( oh and the girls think he is HOT...lol)
Aztec....( Carrie)....kind girl, ( she likes our Canadian beer...lol)
Sloan...( shell)...pretty girl, and likes to mingle.....nice gal....
Shera....a little quiet, but was a dolly...
There was alot that I meet, but there was so short of time to really get to know everyone....There is alot that I would like to meet though.....Sassy, Simple, Mac, Shamus, Country women,Reboot,Arrow,OFC,Nos, Lady lee, Mouthy,Anglise,Frank,Lisevegas,Mulan, calamity-jane,The silence,Country girl,chim-chim, Sheila, Simon and Ang oh yes, even Gumby, min,and elsewhere.....the list could go on and on forever, but I dont have time to mention evryone....
Hopefully I get to meet alot more at the campfest next year....I am really looking forward to it.....
I am fortunate to have met a few from JWD, although I met all of them originally before we were members here.. I am so hoping to make it to that camping fest next summer.
I appreciate both of you for saying you would like to meet me. It would be great to meet you both!
I'm DYING to meet Rayzorblade and M0nk3y!
I would also love to meet Nosferatu--that guy cracks me up.
And of course, Onacruise and Bikerchic too.
Apostofests are wonderful--if any of you can possibly go to one, even if it's just a small gathering I highly recommend it. Great folks, lots of laughter, and people you feel really close to in a matter of minutes.
Joanna, of course!
I'd like to meet up with you Sassy! Maybe at one of our fests we're planning for next year!
I have had the pleasure of meeting so many people already at the few apostafests we've been to...
but I am still dying to meet StinkyPantz, Syrup, Sens, Tink, and Aztec.
I would like to see Stacey meet Logans Run.
thanks iiztoocool.. I'd like to meet you too! It's fun to meet people you chat with on the side.. every level gives us more depth to our friendships I think!
I'd also like to hook up with onacruise and his lady.. JT and his lady.. ESTEE.. Lady Lee.. Gadget.. Stacy.. Tink.. oh my.. see.. there are so many one could go on and on!! Mac.. can't forget Mac blue smurf that he is..