by Amazing 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing


    Before I make my first Justice post tomorrow, I thought that my introduction would be useful. I have updated this from the original:

    Many JWs, whether of low or high station in the organization have been caught up in the vortex of Watch Tower justice. I have read many posts, talked personally with many ex-JWs and JWs, and read several books where one case of injustice after another has been experienced by many JWs. My own observations and experiences as a JW and then an Elder have confirmed the serious level of injustice within the walls if the Iron Tower.

    Therefore, it seemed like a helpful idea to start a periodic series of interesting judicial and non-judicial cases that I either participated in or had first hand knowledge of. I will leave out names and places to avoid any possibility of hurting some.

    The purpose is to show that the problem with the Watch Tower Society's judicial system goes far deeper than just the impact of shunning. Even those that do not get disfellowshipped or shunned often receive terrible justice that their lives are made a mess. If you look closely at the way in which the Watch Tower judicial process proceeds in case after case, it shows how easy it is for the JWs to lose all sense of what is right and presume facts not in evidence. Because JW Elders all to often really presume guilt, then justice and compassion can never be accomplished in any real sense of the word.

    In this series I am not questioning the sincerity or the efforts of Elders to do what they believe is right. In one case so far, I showed how I myself contributed to some of the unfortunate decisions and actions of a judicial hearing. The purpose of the series, however, is to address the incompetence and lack of counseling qualifications of many of the men who have served as Elders. The purpose is also for those who can relate to the Watch Tower system of justice and know why judicial cases in that religion get handled the way they do.

    Finally, the purpose is to highlight the real harm done to people that is not only needless, but often irreparable. It is inconceivable to see how a religion that says so much about being good and true, can than be so destructive and live in such denial.

    Tomorrow, I will start with Justice #1 as an example of a judicial case I was partly involved in. - Amazing

  • Francois

    Such injustices are inevitable when men whose only qualifications are how much time they have spent in the selling work, and how dependable they are in hewing to the party line.

    This is the equivalent of: "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV. Therefore you should take my advice about this analgesic." The Jay-Dubs say, "we're neither jurists nor therapists, but we play them in the congregation. So you should kowtow to our findings."

    The kangaroo eccliastical courts of Jehovah's Witnesses constitute a farce and parody upon the loving nature and merciful character of God.

    Wish you the best on your justice series. Looking forward to reading it.


  • Amazing

    Thanks Francois for your good points. The Justice Series was well received on H20. Of course some diehard JWs, like Fred Hall made thier usual silly remarks, but the wide response was most appreciative, and many did not really know how bad the JW Justice System really is ... and this was even more evident with the cases where I discuss child molesters. I posted this series over a year ago, and is caused some to contact me, and eventually Silent Lambs emerged to bring this issue to its peak. I hope that the repost will continue to be useful to that specific part of the discussion.

    Thanks again. - Amazing

  • apostate

    Hi Amazing.

    The next time you start a series please indicate somehow how many parts your series have all together. (e.g. 1 of 5, 2 of 5 etc..)

    I don't wanna miss any of them.

  • Amazing

    HI Apostate: Sometimes I don't know how many a series will have, so I can't say in advance. I suppose I could go back and edit them to say "1 of 6" or something like that.

    Just to bring you up to speed, here is the total run:

    Decpetive JW Elders (6)
    Taking Our Lives Back (3)
    Justice (13) (16 when you count 4a-4d)

    I will be posting #1 shortly in a couple of hours. - Amazing

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