How Does Field Service Work?

by Stephanus 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    Is the territory to be covered announced beforehand? Is there a certain member of the congregation who keeps a roster of territories covered and when the next visit is due? If so, how easy would it be for an outsider, particularly one with a contact inside, to find out where the next territory to be covered is? I could see this as a very effective way of efficiently doing a letterbox drop, say of leaflets advertising SilentLambs' site or AJWRB without wasting resources doing an entire suburb. With a leaflet turning up in a householder's letterbox a day or two before the Field Service visits, the householder might be more likely to ask questions which put the Dubs on the spot. The leaflets could be changed from week to week so as to stop the Dubs from being able to develop a step by step refutal of them. Done properly, this sort of work could reduce the number of conversions even more than the current dismally low rate.

  • Amazing

    Hi Stephanus: Here are some answers to your questions:

    1. The territory to be covered rarely announced beforehand, unless a special congregation day is planned to work a territory that is rarely worked.

    2. Yes, there is usually a Ministerial Servant assigned to issue territory in an orderly manner at to frequency. The Field Service Overseer (an Elder) has oversight over the MS assigned to issue Territory as well as all aspects of the Field Service. The Territory Cards are normally checked out to Elders, Ministerial Servants, Pioneers, and Aux Pioneers.

    3. It is not easy for an outsider, particularly one with a contact inside, to find out where the next territory to be covered is, because as many as 1/3 of the territories can be issued out. When I was an Elder and assigned as a Book Study Conductor, I often had two or more Territories at one time. Pioneers might have as many. And at times JWs often forget about a territory card in thier bookbags until the MS in charge of Territory calls about it. This often happens just before the Circuit Overseer visit.

    You noted, "I could see this as a very effective way of efficiently doing a letterbox drop, say of leaflets advertising SilentLambs' site or AJWRB without wasting resources doing an entire suburb."

    Nice idea. But, the Territory department is not as well organized or efficient as the WTS likes everyone to believe, and with so many cards checked out, it is hard to know when or where any specific territory will be worked.

    ONE idea is to sewnd out mailers to about 1/10th of an area so that you could blanket a larger area with less effort. But even this will have low impact because many people will see it as sour grapes. The newspaper ads and talk radio will have wider coverage with greater impact.

    Some people have followed JWs into a terrotory on Saturday mornings and followed them around to try and confront them, or follow-up with householders who did answer their doorbells. But, here again, it may come across as sour grapes, and make a spectacle. Many people don't care and do not wish to get involved.

    I agree with you that the pedophile and blood issues are the best issues to connect with the average non-JW. But, by getting interviews on radio, TV, and the newspapers there is a better chance of reaching a wider audience with less effort, and reduced risk of appearing like sour grapes. Just my opinion, I could be wrong, but that is how I see it. - Amazing

  • LDH

    Here in the US it's a crime to place flyers in the mailbox unless they were sent through the US Mail so please don't try that one!

  • RunningMan

    If it's a crime to put flyers into mailboxes, how do JW's distribute tracts?
    And what about leaving mags at not at homes. We do both of these things
    in Canada all the time.

    By the way, if anyone is trying to negate the effectiveness of the
    preaching work, they can probably give up. No one in the territory is
    interested anyway. All new converts are either JW children or some form
    of social misfit.

    If you visit or mail to any householders to expose JW's, you will only bring
    attention to them. Your best strategy is to let the public stay asleep.

  • Gopher

    Runningman, you asked:

    If it's a crime to put flyers into mailboxes, how do JW's distribute tracts? And what about leaving mags at not at homes.

    JW's will leave tracts and older magazines in between the outside (screen) door and the main door of the house, if the outside door is unlocked. That way they do not violate the postal code.


    If you visit or mail to any householders to expose JW's, you will only bring attention to them. Your best strategy is to let the public stay asleep.
    I totally agree. It's like the old saying "Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all". If we were to give JW's bad publicity, we'd be doing part of their work for them, IMHO!

    Gopher, enjoying the fresh air

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