JW's and Shunning in the News
by RolRod 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
Thanks. Interesting.
From the article: "Only baptized Witnesses who commit a serious sin and do not repent can be shunned, according to the website. Repentant individuals are welcomed back into the fold."
Any JDub who says that is outright lying! We know that being shunned in the JDub community is a matter of whose ass you kiss or do not kiss. And "repentant" individuals are NEVER truly welcomed back into the fold! A person's past will ALWAYS be brought up as a black mark to be used as a club whenever someone feels they need to beat you a little bit more!
We all know that article is all lies! It's all about appearances. That's what they want people to think about them.
That article isn't all lies. Did you read it? It talks a lot about shunning and other things that JWs perpetuate. I just met Ms. Tyson yesterday at the Midwest Apostafest and she's a lovely person that was excited to see the article come out. Sure, the Jehovah's Witnesses statements on things are lies, taken from their site as they didn't actually respond to comment, but the article published by the newspaper isn't lies at all.
Thanks for the share RolRod! I forgot to look that up today because I had an interview to do and my mind was taken off the fact that Ms. Tyson told me to watch for it.
"Only baptized Witnesses who commit a serious sin and do not repent can be shunned, according to the website."
What the website (in)conveniently fails to mention is that even just thinking the Governing Body is wrong about something is classified as a "serious sin".
Hell, they had to write an entire fucking book to list all the "serious sins" that were disfellowshipping offenses and, thusly, shun-worthy.
It's called "Shepherding the Flock of God".