How Witnesses Misuse 'God's Name' and Dishonor Christ

by metatron 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Early Christians imitated Jesus and popularized the custom of referring to Almighty

    God as "Our Father". This served to inspire people to think of God as their own Father,

    a loving figure of authority. It is reasonable that this would encourage a sense of

    closeness and warmth amoung people who might otherwise feel distant from God.

    What isn't reasonable, however, is the practice of Jehovah's Witnesses in using the

    name 'Jehovah' as a source of division and separation. This Name is commonly wielded

    like a club to denigrate anyone who doesn't 'know' or habitually use it as "part of false


    The reality of the Christian Bible writers is simple: They prefered to use "Father"

    over the form "Yahweh" or tetragrammaton ( They NEVER referred to God as Jehovah

    since there was no "J" in Hebrew).

    Jesus Christ avoided using Jehovah or Yahweh in giving the Lord's Prayer

    "Our Father in the heavens, hallowed be thy name". He clearly chose one over the

    other. Not only that, but Jesus failed to address God as "Jehovah" in any account

    of his death. He called God "Father" (Luke 23:46). Even when he quoted the Psalms

    while dying, he didn't choose any text that included the name Jehovah. The Bible

    record shows the transliteration of "My God, My God" (Luke 27: 46)

    The Apostle Paul avoided the name Jehovah or Yahweh when setting forth the

    basics of Christian faith : "For even though there are those who are called "gods",

    whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many "gods" and many "lords",

    there is actually to us one God, the Father." 1 Cor, 8:5,6. In this critical definition

    of faith, he neglects to speak of "Jehovah".

    The Apostle John never uses Jehovah or Yahweh in any of his 3 letters to congregations

    at the end of the first century. God is "The Father" to him.

    Perhaps the ULTIMATE evidence is shown by Almighty God himself when he

    avoided using the name Jehovah or Yahweh in John 12:28 given a 'perfect opportunity'

    to do so.(just read it)

    Besides all this, there is simply NO PROOF that Jesus had the name Jehovah

    or Yahweh in mind when he referred to God's "name". WHY? Because the Jews had already

    developed the habit of speaking about "God's Name" when they simply meant His power

    or authority. The Watchtower Society ADMITS this in their Insight book on the last

    paragraph of page 12 , Volume 2. " by name must be meant here not the two syllables

    which make up the word Jehovah but the idea which it expresses". When Jesus

    made the "name manifest" to his disciples, isn't it obvious that these Jewish men

    already knew the name Yahweh? They were getting a new powerful image of God thru

    Jesus' miracles, not a revealing of a name they already knew.

    The Watchtower Society forces the name Jehovah into the Christian Greek scriptures

    without any manuscript evidence to support the idea, only the presumption that Bible writers

    must have done so as in some copies of the Septuagint. Yet, as we've already seen

    Christian Bible writers avoided using Jehovah and used Father instead in clear examples,

    when given the choice.

    All this emphasis on the name Jehovah comes with a price. First, other Christians

    are pronounced "false" because they don't use "God's name". Secondly, Jesus Christ

    is treated almost as a minor character in Watchtower publications. It's nearly impossible

    to find any heartfelt or personal reference to Jesus Christ in any Life Experience

    published in the Watchtower magazine ( see Col. 3:17) . Witnesses commonly avoid

    calling Jesus "The Lord" and almost never make any personal references to him in

    any casual conversation. Any Witness who does do this is usually branded as an

    "apostate" and shunned suspiciously!

    I write this information again because the Awake (Jan 22 04) has once again

    brought up the subject of God's Name as a weapon to be used against non-Witnesses.

    I encourage you to share any information I've put together here in confronting Witnesses

    about this .... because it is clear that they have no official rebuttal to the points I've made.

    So far, they don't want to comment on the above facts.


  • Celia

    Another good post Metatron. Thanks.

    I remember having a heated discussion once with some JW ladies visiting me about that subject. At the time, I didn't know much at all about the JWs. But it bothered me immensely that they considered themselves having the only true religion because they "knew" and spoke the name of God. I knew that he was called Yahweh (in my french Bible). I told them that they made it sound like they were worshipping a name, and not what the God behind that name represented... like they were kneeling in front of a banner carrying the name Jehovah.... they didn't like that much

  • truthseeker

    What a class of a post Metatron - this has answered a question I have had for a long time.

    Jesus also said "the father is greater than I" and yes, you are correct, that even when Jesus was in the last throes of his life, not once does he address his father by name. It's true, that children do not address their father by name, this would be disrespectful.

    But, if Jesus really wanted the Jews to know about his Father, then he would have mentioned Jehovah at least once - especially in the Lord's prayer.

    Moreover, we are told that if we do not pray using God's name, then Jehovah would not hear our prayers - so all those prayers said since Jesus instituted the Lord's Prayer have never been heard.

  • Maverick

    The WatchTower has long sought the honor The True God bestowed on Jesus. They claim, with zero proof, to be the Faithful Slave, but of whom? They leave out that it is the Faithful Slave of Jesus. And who said that this Faithful Slave was anything but a parable? Anyway, Then the WTS claims to be the Earthly part of God's wife-like organization. So now they are Jesus Step Mother! They want his inheritance and honor. They claim to be Jehovahs Champion! This is Jesus job! Jesus has a token place in the WatchTower world! They give him one day a year, the memorial, and just like any other funeral service, the deceased get the first five minutes and the rest is just a vehicle to "witness" about Jehovah!Maverick

  • r51785

    The Watchtower is an American corporation. Like all corporations they seek to distinguish themselves from their competitors. This is basic marketing. In marketing you distinguish your product by its brand. The brand consists of the name and the attributes of the product. Joe Rutherford decided that to distinguish his company, which was suffering from lagging sales in the 1920's due to customer dissatisfaction regarding the failure of the world to end in 1925, he would re-brand his product. Hence he invented the name Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Jehovah's Witnesses use the divine name like a brand. To them use of the name (brand) identifies the righteous and non-use identifies the unrighteous. You can almost imagine it like a TV laundry soap commercial. "My clothes are clean and white because I use Tide"/"I am clean and righteous because I am a Jehovah's Witness."

    What are some of the attributes of the "Jehovah's Witness brand"

    1. No part of world (whatever that means -- if they were really no part of the world why would they need so many lawyers?)

    2. Sell literature door to door

    3. No blood transfusions (Their refusal to eliminate this ridiculous policy would be called by a marketer "defending the brand." If they changed this integral part of their brand identity they would weaken the overall brand's power. Kind of like New Coke -- remember that one?)

    I could go on and on with this but the key thing to remember is to view everything that the JW's do as what any corporation would do, because that is all they are -- an American corporation.


  • ozziepost

    G'day metatron,

    A class post indeed! I gotta tell ya that your posts are amongst my favorites - always interesting, always thought-provoking.

    I think we should emphasise that point from the "Insight" volume that by the word "name" is meant not just a label, but also what is represented by the person. As you rightly state, the WTS "admit" 'out of their own mouths'!

    Cheers to you,


  • Stephanus
    Anyway, Then the WTS claims to be the Earthly part of God's wife-like organization. So now they are Jesus Step Mother! They want his inheritance and honor.

    And like Athaliah, they are determined to destroy the true heirs of the Kingdom...

  • blondie


    Great post!

    I have often pointed out in my reviews how rarely Jesus is mentioned and how he plays a secondary role. Even in this week?s, Jehovah is emphasized although it was Jesus who set the example of teaching and preaching and encouraged his followers to do the same. Show me where Jesus said to go door to door, let alone to make return visits.

    Early Christians imitated Jesus and popularized the custom of referring to Almighty God as "Our Father". This served to inspire people to think of God as their own Father, a loving figure of authority. It is reasonable that this would encourage a sense of closeness and warmth amoung people who might otherwise feel distant from God.

    Instead, the WTS tells 99.9% of the membership that they don?t have the heavenly calling and can?t be called "God?s children," "sons of God," "Christ?s brothers." That instead of being made perfect instantly upon their death and resurrection, that they will have to wait 1,000 years.

    What isn't reasonable, however, is the practice of Jehovah's Witnesses in using the name 'Jehovah' as a source of division and separation. This Name is commonly wielded like a club to denigrate anyone who doesn't 'know' or habitually use it as "part of false worship".

    Damned if you do and damned if you don?t.

    Here is quite a prominent church in Minnesota:

    Jehovah Lutheran Church

    Jesus Christ avoided using Jehovah or Yahweh in giving the Lord's Prayer
    "Our Father in the heavens, hallowed be thy name". He clearly chose one over the other. Not only that, but Jesus failed to address God as "Jehovah" in any account of his death. He called God "Father" (Luke 23:46). Even when he quoted the Psalms while dying, he didn't choose any text that included the name Jehovah. The Bible record shows the transliteration of "My God, My God" (Luke 27: 46)

    This is something that has nagged at me for the past 5 years. I was sleepless the other night and watched a show on A&E about God. Even the name Yahweh is only a description of God?s qualities. It brought out that before the Law, during the patriarchal times that God had a more personal relationship with people.

    The Apostle Paul avoided the name Jehovah or Yahweh when setting forth the basics of Christian faith : "For even though there are those who are called "gods", whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many "gods" and many "lords", there is actually to us one God, the Father." 1 Cor, 8:5,6. In this critical definition of faith, he neglects to speak of "Jehovah".

    And, the WTS could not find a way to "insert" Jehovah there as it has in other places in the NWT.

    Perhaps the ULTIMATE evidence is shown by Almighty God himself when he avoided using the name Jehovah or Yahweh in John 12:28 given a 'perfect opportunity' to do so.(just read it)

    John 12:28 (KJV)
    Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

    John 12:28 (NWT) Father, glorify your name." Therefore a voice came out of heaven: "I both glorified [it] and will glorify [it] again."

    And the people heard it. What a wonderful time to have made God?s name heard if it was so necessary.

    The Watchtower Society ADMITS this in their Insight book on the last paragraph of page 12 , Volume 2. " by name must be meant here not the two syllables which make up the word Jehovah but the idea which it expresses". When Jesus made the "name manifest" to his disciples, isn't it obvious that these Jewish men already knew the name Yahweh? They were getting a new powerful image of God thru Jesus' miracles, not a revealing of a name they already knew.

    Yes, that is what that show said. "A History of God" on A&E.

    Witnesses commonly avoid calling Jesus "The Lord" and almost never make any personal references to him in any casual conversation. Any Witness who does do this is usually branded as an "apostate" and shunned suspiciously!

    Yes, they think you?re a born-again and have "accepted Jesus the Lord into your life."

    Great points, some I?ve used myself. Never got an answer, only silence and suspicion.


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