All hell would break loose if the WTS followed the footsteps of the Mormons and made their own version of "The Book of Mormon". Imagine if they were to take what Russell and Rutherford wrote (or some other inspired JW) and use it like a bible! Could you imagine them trying to interpret their own history?
All hell would break loose if....
by Nosferatu 5 Replies latest jw friends
They did but the author is anonymous: Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flockif they were to take what Russell and Rutherford wrote (or some other inspired JW) and use it like a bible!
Unless you consider the Watchtower, the editor of which is God and it is the principal instrument.
Cross-examination of Frederick W. Franz in the case of Olin Moyle v. WTB&TS, 1943, Sections #2596-2597, p. 866.
Q. At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper [The Watchtower], is that right?
A. He is today the editor of the paper.Q. How long has He been editor of the paper?
A. Since its inception he has been guiding it.Cross-examination of Nathan Homer Knorr in the case of Olin Moyle v. WTB&TS, 1943, Section #4421, p. 1474.
Q. In fact, it [The Watchtower] is set forth directly as God's Word, isn't it?
A. Yes, as His word.Q. Without any qualification whatsoever?
A. That is right.*** w95 3/15 p. 28 "Watch Out for the Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees" ***
Rather than being innovative and promoting their own religious procedures, they work unitedly under the direction of a Bible-based organization that uses this magazine [Watchtower] as its principal instrument of instruction.
*** w95 8/1 p. 16 Taught by Jehovah Down Till This Day ***
This magazine, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah?s Kingdom, is the principal instrument employed by the "slave" in the teaching work.
*** w94 1/1 p. 21 The Watchtower and Awake!?Timely Journals of Truth ***
And it [Watchtower] continues to be the principal instrument of "the faithful and discreet slave" and its Governing Body for announcing Jehovah?s established Kingdom and dispensing spiritual food "at the proper time."
*** w89 3/15 p. 22 Insight That Jehovah Has Given ***
As this brief historical review has shown, it is through the columns of The Watchtower that explanations of vital Scriptural truths have been provided for us by Jehovah?s "faithful and discreet slave." The Watchtower is the principal instrument used by the "slave" class for dispensing spiritual food.
*** yb77 p. 11 1977 Yearbook of Jehovah?s Witnesses ***
The Watchtower magazine is the principal instrument of Jehovah?s organization in dispensing spiritual food earth wide.
Could you imagine them trying to interpret their own history?
When they wrote their most recent history-book about themselves, the WT Society came up with this sanitized, pasteurized thing called the "Kingdom Proclaimers" book. They promised us an "honest look" at their history, but I found nothing new or refreshingly honest in the book -- and I was a good dub at that point.
Principal instrument
Geez Blondie, did you have to do a search on that term? It made me think of what the school principal might use to administer punishment! The Watchtower beats its followers with its principal instrument! How apt.
All hell would break loose if the WTS followed the footsteps of the Mormons and made their own version of "The Book of Mormon".
It would never happen. Being so notorious as purveyors of "new light", it would have to be rewritten every six weeks. The WTBTS couldn't afford to keep distributing the required revisions.
I hope and trust you will believe me as this sounds a bit bizarre.
Several years ago my aunt who is a Jehovah's Witness went to the congregation in the Bethel, this was her assigned congregation.
Canadian Branch that is ..
Here is the story she told our family and my mother was all ears because when things are spoken in Bethel its "absoulete truth", well at least according to her.
Aunt tells mom that the," Society has written or now is writing the new scrolls of the book of life" . My mothers mouth dropped to the floor practically. I believe it was sometime in the seventies when this was to have transpired.
Can you believe it? I guess the Witnesses will just about believe all the rumours that come from Bethel. But hell that was really something eh? And my dad and mom gobbled it all up,
Tell me has any one else ever heard that one before.? It has to be an "Urban Legend".
Love Orangefatcat
The WT must be like addendums to the Bible. Sort of like what comes from my insurance policy: changes are made every 6 months or so. So, the WT mag is the right size for all the addendums it has added thru the years to the Bible... A lousy insurance policy...
BTW, the Mormons have very quietly made over 4000 changes thru their subsequent editions of the Boof of Mormon. Seems like when God gave each word to Joseph, he really liked colloquialisms like, "a-going" and "they was", etc., the bulk of changes. Quietly removing important words or phrases to reflect changes in doctrine is another big one. So, that's how they handle "new light", so to speak. (I have an impressive facsimile of their first BOM publication, and I once read an important passage from their current version while Mormon missionaries--"elders" --followed in the original. I guarantee, a lot of dissonance was sown!!!)