How To Finacially Bankrupt Mind Control Cults With Legisaltion

by Brokeback Watchtower 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    If a government wishes to protect it citizens from the clutches of Mind Control Cults, all they have to do is make laws that allow former members to sue theirs ass off.

    What if they made laws about a system the meets the 6 points mentioned by Margret Singer to manipulate a person into submission to it's directives and cause mental, physical, and emotional harm and make it possible to sue them for damages.

    If such laws were in place it would spell financial ruin to all coercive authoritarian cults.

  • scratchme1010
    If such laws were in place it would spell financial ruin to all coercive authoritarian cults.

    You make an interesting point. True, but then how do you handle:

    1. Freedom of religion
    2. Freedom to assembly
    3. Freedom of expression
    4. Freedom of press

    I think than more than law, maybe education and awareness might work better. Not everything has to be a law, and not everything bad has to be punished in order for people to make better choices. That is, not to mention what exactly will be the definition of a forbidden group? Experts in the matter of cults, themselves, do not keep a list of groups that they consider cults, high demand or controlling, mostly because of the legal implications.

    What ever happen with awareness, education and outreach? One thing that I know very well is that you cannot legislate attitude and ignorance. Education and awareness may work better than punitive law.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    You make an interesting point. True, but then how do you handle: TFFs(The 4 F's).

    Easy make laws give that have no bias's in protecting people from religious abuse, make religion's accountable for when they do evil to people for profit$$.

    As far as assembly, and expression? Let them gather and say what they want but at the same time, allow the recording such meetings and hold them accountable for what they say in a court of law(get rid of the clergy/member privacy clauses if a crime is involved.)

    And Press let them print their psycho bull shit all they want while at the same time accountable to the laws of the land and if they print very harmful shit that can be proven in a court of law prosecute with no religious bias purely for the welfare of their citizens.

  • sir82

    Good luck convincing your legislators to pass such a law.

    You're going to need it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ""How To Finacially Bankrupt Mind Control Cults With Legisaltion""

    By imposing a TAX on the corporation(religion). Like every working human being has to pay, every living human being has to pay. And, every money-making multi-billion dollar corporation has to pay. Simple fair, simply put.

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