My apoligies if this has been posted already but MJ still can't see that it looks wrong for a 45 year old man to sleep with a 12 year old child. From the 60 minutes interview last night, I won't quote the whole interview but here is some of MJ's comments;
ED BRADLEY: That British documentary last February ? which you didn't like ?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Yeah, I didn't like it.
ED BRADLEY: You ? you said in that documentary that? that many children have slept in your bedroom.
ED BRADLEY: You said, and ? and I'm gonna quote here, "Why can't you share your bed? A most loving thing to do is to share your bed with? with someone."
ED BRADLEY: As ? as we sit here today, do you still think that it's acceptable to share your bed with children?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Of course. Of course. Why not? If you're gonna be a pedophile, if you're gonna be Jack the Ripper, if you're gonna be a murderer, it's not a good idea. That I'm not. That's how we were raised. And I met ? I didn't sleep in the bed with the child. Even if I did, it's okay. I slept on the floor. I give the bed to the child.
ED BRADLEY: But given all that you've been through ?
ED BRADLEY: Given the allegations, given the innuendo ? why would you put yourself in a position where something like this could happen again?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Well, I'm always more cautious. But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to. He said, "Continue to love. Always love. Remember children. Imitate the children." Not childish, but childlike.
That may sound naïve, but Jackson attorney Mark Geragos says they did take precautions.
ED BRADLEY: You're a parent. You've got three children.
ED BRADLEY: Would you allow your children to sleep in the bed with a grown man, who was not a relative, or to sleep in the bedroom?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Sure, if I know that person, trust them, and love them. That's happened many times with me when I was little.
ED BRADLEY: Would you, as a parent, allow your children to sleep in the same bedroom with someone, who has the suspicions and allegations that have been made against you, and about you today? Would you allow that?
ED BRADLEY: If you knew someone, who had the same ?
ED BRADLEY: ?kind of allegations ?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Ed, I ? I know exactly what you're saying.
ED BRADLEY: ? that were made against you ? would you let your children ?
ED BRADLEY: ? sleep in that man's bedroom?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Mmm, if I ? if I knew the person personally. Cause I know how the press is, and how people can twist the truth, if I knew the person personally, absolutely yes. Absolutely. I wouldn't have a problem with it.
ED BRADLEY: Do you know how this looks to a lot of people? I mean, do you understand that?
MICHAEL JACKSON: How does what look?
ED BRADLEY: How the fact that you ?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Know why? People think sex. They're thinking sex. My mind doesn't run that way. When I see children, I see the face of God. That's why I love them so much. That's what I see.
ED BRADLEY: Do you know any other man your age, a 45-year-old man, who shares his bedroom with children?
MICHAEL JACKSON: Of course. Not for sex. No. That's wrong.
ED BRADLEY: Well, let me ? let me say, from my perspective, my experience, I don't know any 45-year-old men, who are not relatives of the children, who share their bedroom with other children.
MICHAEL JACKSON: Well, what's wrong with sharing your bed? I didn't say I slept in the bed. Even if I did sleep in the bed, it's okay. I am not going to do anything sexual to a child. It's not where my heart is. I would never do anything like that. That's not Michael Jackson. I'm sorry. That's someone else.