LL, I'm rusty too. I had a recent experience at work with someone who was deaf and the interpreters were out for the holidays. While they tried to find a better interpreter than me, I was able to talk and help this person with technical info. My training is in general vocabulaary. But I have had to communicate with other foreign languages. I worked out. They knew some of the people I knew and it made me more determined to go back to my training.
As to my blind buddy, she is not a JW. We met through work but she lives a state over now. She has been blind from brith. I have seen the setup she has. She has a device that reads printed material to her, wow!
As to helping anyone out. I met the deaf couple that sparked the formation of a deaf group in my area before and after they stopped going. There was so much jealousy as to who would be in charge. They had been part of the non-JW deaf group I was associated with. It is hard to understand how isolated the deaf are and how much they need each other. Being told to stop having association with these people and not having many at the KH step up to be their friend, was devastating. Where there are larger groups/congregations, this is not so pronounced. So they left. I left and we see each other from time to time. The fact that I was associating with this non-JW deaf group, made them reevaluate their leaving them. Small part, the rest the JWs did, being unloving.
Blueblades, I understand the WTS pubs are not good, but at least the blind were not ignored like the deaf were for many years. The WTS now has ASL videos. I have visited the area in Bethel where the deaf/blind publications are produced. I have found that in the congregations in general the blind and deaf can fall through the cracks. They are too time-intensive just like the sick, depressed, and elderly.
I do invite anyone out there to ask themselves, could you communicate with a deaf person even in some small way, a greeting, knowing the alphabet and spelling your name? I am currently battling a chronic ear problem which takes away more of my hearing each year. I'm old but not that old. That is what started me to reach out to the deaf community. I am hearing-impaired myself.
Some days after proof-reading my posts I think I am going blind.