Last Saturday I posted that the elders keep coming by to "encourage" us. Well Saturday came and went without a visit. But wouldn't you know it, Sunday morning as I am trying to enjoy a nice breakfast with the family, the doorbell rang. Pissed me off, but this time the husband was home so I told him to go talk to them and tell them that being raised in the borg, we know what we should be doing and don't need them to tell us, which he did. (BTW, what we should be doing is staying the hell away from them, but I can't help how they might have understood that). I stayed in the bedroom. They agreed that there wasn't anything they could say to us that we didn't already know.
Anyway, we had already planned on going to the KH that day (only for the purpose of keeping mumsy happy) which we did. I also had gone to the Thursday meeting last week. 2 in a row, what was I thinking!!! I was shocked at how few were there. Thursday night there were only about 60 people (congregation has at least 120 publishers) and Sunday there were 90 for the talk, even less for the WT study. The CO is coming around sometime this month so I predict some ass-whoopings.
I'm going to try to go to every meeting until after his visit so they won't feel the need to bring him over for a shepherding call. After that I will ease off gradually.