God Speeds up Earth

by Satanus 7 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Satanus

    This year, and for the last 5 yrs, the earths orbit around the sun finished up on time. Congratulations, god, you finally got it right. Your solar system has been gradually slowing down for millenia, losing about a second per yr.

    This is my usual sarcastic style, but the 'times' mentioned are accurate. Check it out @ http://www.local6.com/news/2733130/detail.html

    BOULDER, Colo. -- In a phenomenon that has scientists puzzled, the Earth is right on schedule for a fifth straight year.


    Experts agree that the rate at which the Earth travels through space has slowed ever so slightly for millennia. To make the world's official time agree with where the Earth actually is in space, scientists in 1972 started adding an extra "leap second" on the last day of the year.

    For 28 years, scientists repeated the procedure. But in 1999, they discovered the Earth was no longer lagging behind.

    At the National Institute for Science and Technology in Boulder, spokesman Fred McGehan said most scientists agree the Earth's orbit around the sun has been gradually slowing for millennia. But he said they don't have a good explanation for why it's suddenly on schedule.


  • Elsewhere

    OMG! It must be that new toilet I installed in '99!

  • Sunnygal41

    Reading this post makes me realize how little we really do know about the Universe and how many exciting new things there are out there to understand!

    Elsewhere, thank you, I just peed my pants and have to now go and change!


  • Satanus


    I've heard of earth shaking bowel movements , but what exactly does that 'toilet' do?


  • Elsewhere
    I've heard of earth shaking bowel movements , but what exactly does that 'toilet' do?

    I never could figure out why, but now I think I understand why the water has been rotating clockwise. Every flush adding a bit of momentum to the earth...

  • Satanus

    God must be mighty pleased w your new toilet, elswhere, seeing as it retuned his solar system. I can't figure what could have slowed it down, before that. The wt points to perfect planetary orbits as an sign of gods handiwork, exactitude, timeliness and perfection. Another myth shattered


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's caused by.......


  • outnfree

    Global Warning...

    But, of course!


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