Actually, you are in the same position as those who endear themselves to the WTBTS to 'judge' them. As Tina said, you are here VOLUNTARILY. Do you not recall the saying that 'whenever people of the nations who do not have law do... BY NATURE... the things OF the Law, they are a Law unto themselves?'
That is what has occurred here. You 'sinned' against a 'brother', who called you to task on it. You were not 'gained'. Then others spoke to you on it. Again, you were not 'gained'. Finally, the 'congregation' spoke on it. Still, you refused to be 'gained'.
Thus, who are you 'like' now? And please don't say you are like the Body of Christ, for even THAT ONE spoke to you... and still... you have not repented and thus are not 'gained'.
You Know, as a TRUE member of that Body, I say to you as Paul said to Peter, and reprove you before ALL 'onlookers'... how is it that YOU, who claim to have the Law try to put under compulsion those who do NOT... while you yourself transgress it? You CONTINUALLY 'overstep' the commandments of my Lord, particularly that stated at Matthew 5:38-48. Yet, you continue to call yourself one in the Household.
Brother, what is stated in the ENTIRE first letter of John's three... applies to YOU... and those like you. READ IT... and get the SENSE of it... and therefore, HEAR what the Spirit says to YOU!
A True servant in the Household of God and a slave of Christ,