Firpo Carr Denies Michael Jackson Slept With Children

by Kenneson 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Firpo Carr claims that Michael Jackson never slept with children. They may have slept in his bed, but he slept on the floor.

    See "Jackson adviser: 'Great emotional toll on family' " at

    Scroll down to CNN Acess on the right hand of the page and click on to the story.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Considering the current "two witnesses" rule the WTBTS has in place, I can understand his denial.

  • Flowerpetal

    This is to everyone:

    Let's be fair here---there are only allegations at this point about Michael Jackson. And believe me, I am not a fan of his, although I think his Thriller album was the best he ever made.

    Getting back to the point, though, everyone in this country has a right to a fair trial. That means, everyone gets an attorney that is his champion. What would you do if you were his lawyer? Suspect him? Even if you did, you still would defend him, wouldn't you? Could you put your bias aside, and defend him properly? Everyone accused, needs to have a lawyer in his/her corner.

    The prosecution has to prove it's case--and I hate when high profile cases are tried in the press. Even the woman I can't stand the most, Gloria Allred, jumped on the bandwagon some time ago, calling for the removal of Michael's children from the home. And she was just saying that without any facts. That's what a trial is for, to bring out facts.... and prosecution has the burden of proof. So let the prosecution present its case...and that brings us to the jury...let the jury decide.....

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    You are right we should persume innocent until proven guilty and allow the courts to decide this. Saying this however and I repeat what I have said on previous posts, a 42 year old man does not allow a 12 year old boy to sleep in his bed and a non related one at that. Twice when Ed Bradly off of 60 minutes asked this question to Michael, he Michael could not comprehend how that looks to someone else. I think that unless he is made to comprehend this fact and if he gets off of all these charges, this will open up a defense for ever pervert out there that will feel it is alright to pick up young children and have them "sleep in their bed". Why Michael did it and it is alright for him? So you see where this is going? I am sorry this is nothing to do with the fact that he is black as I don't care if he was white, red, pink or purple, a 42 year old man does not let a 12 year old child sleep in his bed. PERIOD


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I just wanted to clearly state that I have not slept with Michael Jackson. There is no evidence to the contrary.

    Besides I have boobs and stuff.

  • Yerusalyim

    I wonder if Firpo has been sleeping with MJ...or his money.

  • Flowerpetal


    I saw the Ed Bradley interview and also the other interview Michael had with that Bashier (sp?) reporter. I remember both times Michael said he slept on the floor while the kid was in his bed. Of course, that needs to be proven in court too.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I understand MJ said he slept on the floor but he is leaving himself open for lawsuits when he allows underage children in his room. MJ makes it all seem so Innocent, like he is one of the "boys". I am sorry he is an adult and he should know there has to be some lines drawn here. What if you had a young child and a next door neighbor ( a man of 40 living by himself) invited your child over for a sleep over? If you were crazy enough to allow this in the first place but then after you found out that your child slept in this persons bed!!! I don't think we would be here discussing this issue as that person would be in jail. Why is Michael any different? I don't think it is sweet and innocent as Michael puts it. He is an adult he has no business letting young boys sleep in his bed. Its not like that is the only bed in his house. I understand that he has other rooms and houses on the property. If he really cares about those children than they should have been put up in other rooms with the child's parent or guardian.


  • Flowerpetal

    Hi William,

    As I said, I am not a fan of Michael Jackson, and I don't have a friend who is rich like he is. If I had a male friend who was Michael's age, I believe I would know him quite well. I don't know if I would let my child sleep in his bed--maybe if he had a bunch of kids there, I would. I admit his behavior is odd but that doesn't make him a child molester.

    Michael, according to his family, is always having family members at his home--and the staff is there as well. So he is not totally alone. Perhaps a good thing to do if a parent is thinking of letting their child stay with Michael is to ask the staff what kind of person he really is. They would know all of his habits and idiocyncrasies, etc.

    I am not saying Michael should be treated differently--just that he deserves a fair trial and all the allegations against him would have to be proved in court. Facts have to be brought out--not feelings.

  • Simon

    Well, Firpo said he didn't but Michael Jackson says himself that he did.

    BTW: MJ is a self-pretentious prick and his act is stuck in a time-warp. His routine may have been new 20 years ago but watch a video of his history ... it never changes !!

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