I was baptized Dec-81 this came out Feb-82, and I thought ....

by Deleted 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deleted

    .... oh my God, what did I do? But I stayed until 1998, figure that one out ...


  • FlyingHighNow

    Dear Deleted,

    I am not sure what you are saying here. Did you read this newspaper article when it was new? Did you know at the time the Franz incident was going on that it was going on and what the facts were? Or were you like me: very curious but not privy to this info? I used to to teeter between blindly trusting the Society on this subject and then puzzling over a governing bodymember leaving the org. It did weigh on my mind. I ended up becoming completely inactive less than ten years later.


  • Amazing

    Hi Deleted,

    A lot of us saw that Time article, as well as the follow-up letter to Time's editor that Ray Franz wrote for the subsequent issue. The article did not do much for me at the time because it quoted very little from Ray Franz, and it was poorly written article in its blanket statements about JWs. The article did stimulate in me a desire to find a way to talk to Ray Franz. Then, what really affected me was learning that Ray Franz wrote a book called "Crisis of Conscience." I looked for it from 1983 until I finally found it in the Portland, Oregon Public Library in June 1989. I walked away from the religion in 1992 after reading Franz's second book, "In search of Chrstian Freedom."

    Jim Whitney

  • Dismembered

    Duped like so many. Including me


  • Deleted

    After I read it in Time 22 years ago I went to see my favorite elder (Dave Johnson, who passed away in 1999). He was sympathetic to my concerns but assured me that the Organization had our best interests at heart and (quote) if they told us to jump in the lake we should, as they probably had a good reason for saying that. It wasn't Orwellian, it was looking after the Great Crowd's best interests. I believed that because I wanted to believe that. I recall Dave's Mom (who had been in "the truth" for donkeys years) commenting on some follow-up Time article that had JW's with paper sacks over their heads, contesting the WTS but remaining anonymous, "well, we just don't believe people who have bags over their heads" and also saying "I've known Ray Franz for years, he always had something to say beyond what the Organization said". At the time that was good enough for me (attacking the person, not the point). As I said I wanted to believe this was the truth, but I recall those discussions vividly. When I did read Ray Franz' books in 1999, I remember thinking this man is not at all like Dave's mum portrayed him.

  • orangefatcat

    Isn't it amazing what we learn after the fact. Well now you know and we can only hope that we can get others to see that what the org. says is in fact not the truth at all.

    Welcome Deleted we have never chatted or anything but hey its still nice to say hello and may you have a Happy New Year.


  • stillajwexelder

    I did not subscribe to Time magazine in that Era -- if I had it migh have made me think -- but there is the nagging doubt that my Dub defence mechanism would have kicked in - well where else is for us to go --and all the usual stuff

  • stillajwexelder

    Penultimate sentence is interesting isn't it? ------ Still the end must come before those that ------ 1914 - and since then we have had the generation fiasco

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