Just got this from a mailing list. Enjoy.
"Reasoning with the Sisters"
A new publication is now available. Its called "Reasoning with the
Sisters". Single brothers are encouraged to read and apply.
Good evening. My name is ---- ----. I'm a brother from (name
congregation). Did you see the TV news last night? That report on (mention
some current item of concern, but don't talk about cars or sports), what you
think about it?
It is not unusual for sisters to be concerned about these issues, but I
believe that we are living in a time when we should be getting to know each
other better. (Ask her to go out witnessing.)
I have found many sisters are quite concerned about the lack of available
brothers in the surrounding congregations. Do you feel that way too? Why do
you think this is the trend? . . . Did you know that I was interested in you?
(Explain the reason why.)
*Hi. My name is ---- ----. I wanted to discuss with you how we
can get to know each other better. But I can see that you are busy (or about
to go home). May we get together for lunch on Saturday after field service and
discuss it further?
How You Might Respond To Potential Conversation Stoppers ...
May I ask, do you mean that you are not interested in me or is it
brothers in general that don't interest you? I ask that because I have met
many sisters who at one time were interested in brothers, but aren't anymore
because they think brothers are hypocritical (or they feel brothers are
chauvinistic; or they feel brothers today are not spiritual enough, etc.). I
don't approve of such attitudes myself and if you get to know me I believe we
could both look to the future with confidence. OR If you mean that you're
not interested in having another boyfriend, I can understand that. But more
likely you are interested in your future. Can you see any prospect for a
relationship in the future? OR Is that because you already have a boyfriend?
.. . . Tell me, do you think you will ever see a time when it will work out? . .
What seems to stand in the way?
Many sisters tell me that. Have you ever wondered why brothers
like myself keep trying, even though sisters generally may not be interested?
OR I can appreciate that, because I used to feel the same way about a sister. But, just to be fair, I decided to listen to her. And I found out that I hadn't been told the truth about her. Now we are good friends.
Keeping good records is the key to following up and developing a study of
each other in the future. Never ask if she got a chance to read the letters
you wrote, instead, ask if she had any questions. Always mention that she
could make a voluntary donation of time spent with you. Be sure to make
definite arrangements to get together again...naming the date and time. And
remember, give HER the chance to accept or refuse...we cannot prejudge.
Finally, if she refuses, it is not you that is being rejected, rather, it is
your message of commitment.
Insight On The Sisters. . . already seven volumes, and continuing to grow.
"Sisters - what happens to us when they cry?"
"Knowledge that Leads to an Everlasting Wife"
"Questions Old People Ask, Answers They Forget"
"Your Youths - Getting the most out of them"
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time,
but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment...