I discovered that my links to my site are not correct, so here is the correct link:
by Hunyadi 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I discovered that my links to my site are not correct, so here is the correct link:
Boy you have some imagination there Hunyadi.
I will admit that in a FEW of your examples there are hidden images, like the letter S which I would attribute to a artist joking around. However, some of your examples are a bit of a stretch. I do believe in the subject though. I read a book about 10 years ago of advertising companies that have used subliminal pictures in ads. The book was layed out like your web page, however the writer of the book got more into the phsycoholigical aspect of how various hidden images make the human mind react to purchasing, etc.
He sited in his book how the male penis is emphasized a lot in liqour ads showing bottles entering cups, etc. I enjoyed the book very much, but as your web site thought some of it was a bit of a stretch but it made very informative reading
Yes, and a top artist and xjw who visited the Bethel art department would agree with you, (and it's hard to argue with a scotch lover) . . . I am fulltime employed and a fulltime dad and husband, so the time I can devote to the site is limited and many other articles and points to argue are still in my word processor. They will be posted just as soon as possible. Thank you for cheking it out and posting a reply.
Kind Regards,
And that is not such a bad thing since some have none at all.
Thanks for checking it out.
got: He sited in his book how the male penis is emphasized a lot in liqour ads showing bottles entering cups, etc. I enjoyed the book very much, but as your web site thought some of it was a bit of a stretch but it made very informative reading You have read the popular writer William Brian Key, but his theory is nothing more than stupid, and even he has presented himsel as "expert" in the juda priest's trial, he was not very convinced. Bye Charles