AJN just brought back some memories with her/his? post on depression in the congregation.
Did anyone else here ever experience either as a witness or since leaving, MPD?
For many many years from around 17-25 specifically I used to go through an extraordinary rapidity of mood swings. Each of these 'swings' happened at least 5-10 times per day. Each 'swing' of mood in itself would go through the complete spectrum in approximately 50 mins to one hour, 15 or so in total, each distinctly different from the last phase I was in. On the happy estatic end I was whooping and hollering with joy, whilst every 3 minutes or so, a new feeling or wave of consciousness would sweep through me, in total control of my personality. As some here know already, and not wishing to frighten anybody, at age 14 I was smashing my head against the wall repeatedly, just to try to block out the fears, usually demonic fears, to try to commit suicide, anything to block out the pain. At the worst end of the negative scale I had anger which quickly turned into rage, then a much more heightened form of rage and then what I used to call phase 1, 2 and 3 of demonic rage, over which I felt I had no control and felt just dreadful. 2 hours later or so, the whole process would start again. I knew back then it was because I was so terribly frightened by the immediacy of events unknown that might happen to me. On top of this I had trapped nerves at the top of my neck, which caused sensations of stunning blinding pain in the back of my skull. To this day, I still have indentations (2) in my skull. The pain was excrutiating often. At least a dozen times a day I would get this year in, year out. I thought that what my mother told me about me being demon possessed must be true. Of course, it goes without saying, that outside help from professional psychologists or otherwise was completely off limits.
Did anyone else here suffer at any one time MPD symptoms and would like to write about it?
Kindest regards