Commerce is of the Devil!!

by onacruse 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Yep, and Satan caused the Great Depression, too!

    Jehovah (1934) p. 59-60

    The waters of the river Nile pictured the commercial part of Satan?s organization. Egypt depended upon the waters of the Nile as a means of carrying on her commerce; hence to the Egyptians those waters were a means of life and livelihood. Turning the waters into blood represented death. Satan claimed that he had made the river Nile for himself; meaning that this was his possession. (Ezekiel 29:1-3) The people of the world, and many who have consecrated themselves to the Lord, have been induced heretofore to believe that commerce is vitally and essentially necessary for sustaining the life of mankind. In recent years God?s covenant people have come to learn that commerce was organized and has been carried on by Satan as a means of controlling the people and turning them away from Jehovah God . This sign or wonder was performed before the Israelites, and thus showed that God?s covenant people must first learn the meaning of commerce and that it is the institution of Satan, and then they must declare the same before the rulers and the people, that commerce constitutes an integral part of Satan?s organization which he has employed to deceive and oppress the people and to carry on his bloody and death-dealing work.

    The turning of the water into blood pictured or foreshadowed a message of truth being declared or made known in the presence of Satan?s visible agents, as well as to the invisible part of his organization. In the type it was a notice and warning to Pharaoh. In the antitype it must be a notice and warning to the antitypical Pharaoh and his organization. Fulfilment of the prophetic picture began at the convention of God?s people at Columbus, Ohio, in July 1924, at which time public declaration was made that the commercial giants, who are the principal ones of the ecclesiastical systems of this world, and all of which are a part of Satan?s organization, constitute the chief rulers or representatives of Satan on earth that rule and dominate and oppress the people. A resolution was there adopted, and afterward widely published, entitled AN INDICTMENT. Its distribution extended throughout ?Christendom? in many languages. The declaration was therein made and the notice hence served upon the rulers and the people that Satan?s organization is death-dealing, and that the hope of mankind is in the kingdom of God. That was notice and warning to Satan?s organization of God?s purpose to fully express his wrath against that wicked organization and that this he would do in due time. (See The Watchtower, 1933, page 121; Light, Book One, page 122)

    That notice and warning was given five years before the great economic depression began and which continues until this day. Since then Jehovah?s witnesses have continued to call the attention of the rulers and the people to the fact that Satan is the author and creator of commerce, who has exercised beastly rule over the people, and which has served as a great defamation of God?s holy name, and that it will be destroyed in vindication of Jehovah?s name.

    w4/15/33 119

    In the performance of the third sign before Pharaoh Jehovah foretold that the loathsomeness of commercialism would be made to appear before the people and the rulers. The pouring of the water upon the dry ground shows to those who have the hearing ear that commercialism is death-dealing and is dead, and cannot lift the people out of the great depression which Satan has brought upon them.


  • Odrade

    LOL at all these 1930s articles. We know what you've been doing while snowed in! Seriously, I knew the "Judge" was nuts, but all these articles... geez, what an delusional egomaniac! (Not you Craig, there are other words for you... ask Valis )


  • Deleted

    Hey Craig! Now that's about the time Prohibition was repealled. Prior to that Rutherford was "importing" booze from Canada, so I guess illegal commerce was the work of Jehovah's representative on earth. You and Katie thawing out ok? I must turn up to the next meet-up, it's been a while. All the best! Glen James

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