I was reviewing some of the evidence the WT proposes for their claim of the Bible's scientific accuracy, when I came across this interesting assertion.
The mountains rise and fall, and today’s mountains were once under the ocean. (Psalm 104:6, 8) In contrast, several myths say that the mountains were created in their current form by the gods.
Interesting. Veeeeeery interesting. I'm not sure anyone involved with writing that article realized it, but this little piece of information debunks one of the WTs evidentiary claims in support of a global flood.
In the days of Noah, the Bible says, a great flood covered earth’s highest mountains and destroyed all human life that was outside the huge ark that Noah built. (Genesis 7:1-24) Many have scoffed at this account. Yet seashells are found on high mountains.
...some see in this, as well as in such other things as marine fossils found on high mountains, convincing evidence of a sudden, catastrophic global flood.
Men of science in times past held that the flood of Noah’s day was merely local in scope, but...“even on the tops of high mountains, whole trees sunk deep under ground, as also teeth and bones of animals, fishes entire, seashells, ears of corn, etc., petrified”; which could never have come there but by a world-wide deluge.—Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge.
The WT acknowledges in one part of its proposed evidences for biblical scientific accuracy an extremely important and relevant fact in debunking another of its proposed evidences for biblical scientific accuracy. The existence of marine fossils as well as other out-of-habitat fossils on the tops of mountains can be reasonably attributed to the fact that the earth's mountains used to be under water. Marine fossils weren't deposited upon mountains. Mountains were formed from lands that contained marine fossils.